TheEngineer's Replies

No but I do find Friends to be offensive and assaulting to the senses for a variety of other reasons. 28 years later: good There's a question I'd like to ask Marcia... Finally an answer to Obi Wan's famous question. The fool who follows the fool is definitely more foolish. The wheels were in motion You should give it another go. I also absolutely hated the beginning of the movie. I thought it was hollow tryhard garbage. I thought about turning it off at a few points. But it actually becomes fairly engrossing and clever as it develops, just takes a while. I ended up enjoying it a lot. You're right about one thing though. The movie really isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's a send up of the conspiratorial, the occult, and the esoteric. After a certain point I could see exactly what they were doing with it and knew whoever wrote it had lots of knowledge and interest in the subject matter. It was pretty obviously made for the amusement of others who are versed in these things. For those who aren't I can imagine it would seem completely offputting and nonsensical. But I would recommend watching through it anyway. The songwriter scene alone is worth it. The TNA doesn't hurt either. Ann Blyth Queen of the Nile It's real. Episode leaked at the beginning of the weekend. He's deep in the closet, making up stories about getting with pretty girls to look hetero. High school stuff, Moby. "Men come first. Women come second." "Or sometimes not at all." He definitely cribbed a lot from this one. >toxic K. I'll take Stallone. Leo would never dedicate himself to a role the way Stallone does. The stories of his training and intensity behind the scenes of his films are insane. ABQ Vice with Hank and Gomey. The most mediocre "talent" to ever suck her way to success. You are a very sad little ball of neuroses. Projecting your zealotry onto others will not absolve you of it. "Villains were more entertaining than the heroes." Uh yeah, welcome to fiction. Shia's father is a convicted sex offender. Did time for attempting to rape a minor. Draw your own conclusions. Maybe there was a reason Spielberg handed him roles like he was handing out candy. He did not hit her. He did not. The absolute state of this franchise. I just watched it for the first time last month so fear not it is still finding an audience. I thought it was better than Breaking Bad and The Sopranos too.