MovieChat Forums > ozz969 > Replies

ozz969's Replies

I think only Adam Sandler could portray this buffoon Trump. Like he was in Billy Madison. A child in an adult body. I suspect...Sonny was well dressed, and all the other people in the bar respected his wishes. Looked up to him. But the bikers wanted to be the Alpha group - not Sonny. The biker Alpha's then had something to prove. And were mistaken. I admit, I particularly like this scene. Not because of the violence, but because of what you mention. Sonny showed courtesy, and fools did not accept it. And then he was not so courteous. Lesson learned. Be nice. Say Please. Say Thank You. Interesting thoughts here. It's easy to teach sex, the basics at least, but seems to me love is learned not taught. I understand the Armorer has just initiated a lawsuit against the company providing munitions. Pretty stupid move, if you ask me, even if live rounds did get into the batch it is the job of the armorer to ensure the safety of the weapons. "It represented lies and liars and abuse. The type of people who kept these things were devils like my mother.” Theodore McCarrick, the former Archbishop of Washington D.C., pleaded not guilty on Friday to child sex abuse charges. He was defrocked by the Pope. In 2014, the New York Daily News and other websites published information about a Vatican report saying 848 priests had been defrocked and another 2,572 suffered lesser sanctions over a 10-year period because of accusations of clergy abuse. And *she* was condemned. What a world we live in. Yes, it's very sad. She is the reason to watch the movie for me. She looks great. And Ivana Milicevic as the "psuedo Rachael" also did a great job. I loved later she said "Ghostbusters Whaddya want?" She does look great in Young Sheldon. I left off Darth Vader, as a voiceover it is the best, but he wasn't strictly acting in the movie(s). Well, not onscreen. His Vader performance is one of the best ever. Maybe even the hardest. He must have been in a studio, with a script. Reading lines. And delivering that performance "blind" is impressive. I believe you are correct. How about a gender change, the running woman? If Sigourney Weaver was younger she would be great. I also love Halley Berry. Brie Larson was good as Capitan Marvel, I could see her playing lead. And I saw in another post in place of the great performance by Richard Dawson - Steve Harvey. I could just see his tagline "we got us a good one" from Family Feud translating to this movie. As himself in Big Bank Theory Field of Dreams The Hunt for Red October Coming to America (Okay, it's 4) The very thought of seeing John Candy on a horse has made me hysterical laughing. I can think of many worse singers. Bruce Springsteen for example. Bruce is a lesser musician, singer, and songwriter in every way. Oh yes she was fantastic in this. Such a looker. Not attractive. Like Johansson. There is / was a "buzz" about them. I think his father lived in Kenosha. He worked? Was he lifeguard or something? He went looking for trouble. I heard he "testified that he intended to act as a medic and help protect private property." Why did he travel to a city that he doesn't live in to protect private property? It's not like he was military traveling for war. When I think of acting as a medic I travel with bandages, water, no a GUN. He was looking for trouble. Found it. Killed people. And got away with it. "Charlie, she gotta go" or something like that. He was great. That would be a coup, adding Tunney to Ricci, Lynskey and Lewis. I always associated that gang as equivalent you NY Yankees fans. Entitled. They think they are better than everyone. Most Yankee fans are like that.