BigWorm's Replies

the problem is, hes right. Partisanship will make sure he gets re elected. they all fucking hate him, but theyll walk off that cliff like fucking lemmings because hes the republican. That wasnt a strawman argument. That was me flat out saying that anyone who needs to tell the world hes armed to the teeth going to a store, is all mouth. Im no lover of trump, but meh. So youre trusted with a gun, but you cant answer a simple question past your won hero worship? The cops will show up at some point, right? So when they do, and they see YOU, standing with a smoking hand gun and bunch of dead people littering the street...And back to Keelai's question...? Apparently it does, or you wouldnt have responded. And no, its about fear. Youre scared. 😂 đŸ€„ Now that’s a real man! Too scared to get the weekly shop in without carrying a gun 😂. You’re so cool 😒 Disingenuous. Chicago gun laws are powerless because of the surrounding areas that don’t share them. “No one was killed in those other mass shootings! What you bringing them up for !?” 😂 No, no, you’re very much correct. Dark matter(if it exists, remember it’s still theory at this point) doesn’t interact with thing like light. Which means it doesn’t show up on the electron magnetic spectrum. We only know it’s their based on its effects to things we can see. For example how galaxies are formed. Without dark matter, they would have drifted apart. Honestly, I found the writing to be a pile of shit in many more ways than that. Travelling faster than light with no relative effects at all, or any attempt to explain it away. The crew were, from the very start, not who anyone would choose for a first contact mission. Talk about the wrong stuff. I heard a story this past week of a woman who killed her two young daughters because they were getting in the way of her love life. So, I know there’s pure evil in the world. But, I also know that people make mistakes for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s a tragic mistake, other times it’s that the person is just a self centred arsehole. I just think it’s important to have all the information. Explain postpartum depression taking the content of you post into account. The problem is that without context its kinda hard to understand what happened. New mothers often suffer from a range of issues that from the outside looking in makes no sense. After giving birth there can be a very sharp drop in hormones and other chemicals that help us to function. You cant just judge people without being in their shoes. Who? More bullshit avoidance curtesy of the usual ad hominem. You’ve got no examples because you’re full of shit as always. Extinction would be too good for us.