immattj's Posts

The defense wants a mistrial? The jury breaks for the night. Fat Donnie: an illigitimate POTUS but a legitimate POS. Was there a Derek Chauvin forum on MovieChat at one time? Is the Judge on the Rittenhouse defense team? Has Brain Dead Ted booked his winter Cruz-Cruise yet? Stop the squeal! KY Mac'nJelly subpoenaed! Will Fat Donnie lose a third presidential election in a row in 2024? Winter is coming & the weather is cooling off in Texas, is it time for Brain Dead Ted to fly south again? Will Dementia Donnie invite Lobotomy Mike to the party in 2024? What kind of snake did Uncle Rip use to kill Roark? A warm & fuzzy ending to season 2 "The Godfather on a ranch." Seriously? Oh my God this is a silly series!