jobiwan58's Replies

Like that's all that matters, "how can we categorize this person?" I'll take being an individual any day of the week. How you define "getting there" matters. I'm in the "you're as old as you feel" group, which for me changes from day to day, based on physical situation. Today, I feel 50-ish though I'm older than that :-) I used to watch the Superbowl when I was younger, but now I agree with you about sports in general and pop music. Thanks for the help there, hownos; two posts at the same moment. Hadn't noticed it since you mentioned it; but I usually start at the General Discussion page. 1) Keith Moon - accidentally ran over and killed his driver 2) Laura Bush - car accident 3) Don King 4) Caitlyn Jenner - car accident 5) William Holden 6) Phil Spector 7) Vince Neil 8) Robert Blake 9) William S. Burroughs - accidentally shot his wife to death while playing a game of William Tell 10) Sid Vicious 1) Keith Moon - accidentally ran over and killed his driver 2) Laura Bush - car accident 3) Don King 4) Caitlyn Jenner - car accident 5) William Holden 6) Phil Spector 7) Vince Neil What's the real problem? Lack of respect for others, maybe? No value placed on the sanctity of human life? Who knows. I've never killed anyone and hope I never have to; I've never even punched anyone. But I will protect myself and my loved ones if I need to. As chilone pointed out above, more people are killed by smoking and alcohol but nobody does anything to restrict them. Driving cars irresponsibly kills but licenses are still passed out without qualification (or so it seems, anyway). I agree, Shogun; 3 is just getting started for me. Hotel (Arthur Hailey) Paper Moon (Joe David Brown) Rustlers' Paradise (William Colt MacDonald) My ratings of what others watched (ones I've seen before): Suspect Zero (2004) is on my watchlist so I'll be getting to it soon. Looks good, I'm betting it will rate a decent 6/10. The Iceman (2012) 6/10 Man what a creepy guy, cold as ice. I've heard him mentioned in a few books. Midnight Express (1978) Good film I need to watch again soon 7/10 Mean Streets (1973) Agreed, disjointed. 5/10 Nobody’s Fool (1994) I've been thinking about watching this; think I'll give it a try since Paul Newman and Jessica Tandy are both good actors. My Ratings of what I watched this week: MISTY (1961) One of my wife's favorites, we've watched it several times. Nice, clean entertainment on a ranch in rural Virginia. 7/10 AUSTRALIA (2008) This was my first time seeing this film. It seemed a bit overlong at times but not enough to keep me from watching it again. I would have left a fair amount of the antagonist's dialogue on the cutting room floor. I'm not a fan of Nicole Kidman but she did a better job than I expected. I liked the interaction between Hugh Jackman and the Aboriginal boy, it was quite believable. 6/10 CAT O' NINE TAILS (1971) I haven't seen this in several decades so I was intrigued to watch it again, even in Italian with English subtitles. James Franciscus and Karl Malden both turned in good performances with a plot that kept me guessing. 7/10 CLASS (1983) I haven't watched this since shortly after it came out but when I saw it was available for viewing I gave it another shot, remembering some funny scenes among the prep school guys and staff. It was worth seeing again; Rob Lowe was as funny as I remember him. An immature guilty pleasure. 7/10 That's what laws do, when properly enforced. There's plenty already on the books. But you can't expect lawbreakers to give a hoot about laws. A good first step toward accomplishing that would be getting people to realize how much bullshit the mainstream media is feeding them. I wouldn't trust a single thing they say, with CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC and CNN at the top of the list. They use "Freedom of the Press" as a excuse to lie, cheat, distort, misrepresent and invent. Emphasis on the lack of affordable mental health resources; responsible gun owners aren't the problem IMO. Unfortunate that the media seems to always distort their reporting to make guns themselves evil and there's no good reason to own one. Led Zeppelin? Yes, without a doubt. I haven't listened to Pink Floyd for a long time, their music is too depressing. Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused (version from the movie Song Remains the Same) 28:57 I'm a relative newcomer here Jim, but I'm really enjoying being on the site. Thanks for putting it together! Yep; I try to be so careful how I phrase things... The Thing Sorry, missed the A to Z part. All day headache going on...