jobiwan58's Replies

I used to be in the habit of watching an actor's movies on their birthday. Original, I know :-) E. Zombieland (2009) Got that right, bananaman. A lot of fun, I agree. Thanks, bananaman. Well, I've been out here for 15 years and I'm fine with the summers. There's quite a few snowbirds arriving now, including some neighbors down the street. I'd probably do that if I could afford it. Been there but happy to be living in Southern Arizona, where it's 65 this morning. Stay warm :-) The only thing I can drink without getting a hangover is Rum, with Captain Morgan being my preferred brand. I haven't had a drink in over 2 years; just not important to me. Call me a cheapskate, I won't mind. There's plenty of free stuff to watch. I've always wanted to go to Europe but as I've gotten older it's harder to travel. I wouldn't expect most places in Europe to be disability accessible. If I could, I'd like to see England, Malta, Sicily, Greece, for starters. I've read and studied it though not as much lately. It fits very well if you look at the overall picture. I've heard the Bible referred to as God's love story for mankind. It's still relevant today as the guide book for life, especially the New Testament. There's lots of good stuff in the Old Testament, too, for me I especially enjoy the book of Psalms. Thank you, Jim! Nope, no pity wanted or needed :-) Older and wiser here also! And still learning. All we can do is try. I have to lay down every afternoon to give my left hip and lower back a rest but gut it out and get done what I need to until then. Mornings have always been my best time so it works for me. Growing up disabled I did more than I probably should have but we live and learn. I enjoyed myself while I could; no regrets. Dry spices are cheap and can add a lot to frozen entrees and other prepared meals - pepper, oregano, garlic powder, tarragon. And sauces too - Tabasco, salsa, A-1. I've been there, Cruz. Got to be careful I don't go overboard at my age. And don't let my daily aches and pains get the best of me. Yeah, I've had enough experiences where I've needed to learn caution, sometimes the hard way. I've no doubt it's a gut reaction to my disability; can't do this, can't do that; oh, I can do THIS? Full tilt boogie lol. Life's a journey, the important thing is that I never stop learning from my experiences. Oh no. Hope you make it through okay. Doing anything in moderation; if I do something it's no holds barred. Yep! Steven Seagal, in the early days at least.