MovieChat Forums > Ratman > Replies

Ratman's Replies

Toy Story 2 Aliens Spider-Man 2 Evil Dead 2 Terminator 2 I'll be surprised if they continue after this. All depends on how Gunn's universe works out. They never did anything wrong. My thoughts exactly. Russell T Davies seems to just be on a piss take more than anything else. How difficult would it have been to cast a white actor? And to those defending his choices, they would be triggered if a person of colour was cast with a white. Not really surprising if you have watched previous stories in New Who. I mean, the Twelfth Doctor mentioned The Master was his crush on Gallifrey. The Ninth Doctor didn't mind Captain Jack kissing him. Wasn't it also implied the Thirteenth Doctor and Yaz were attracted to each other? Not sure as I was only watching that era on and off. I have barely watched anything in the Multiverse Saga so am not going to start now. And I can't be bothered watching Ms Marvel and Secret Invasion just to "get" the full story of The Marvels. We've had so many possession films over the last decade or more would anyone really care about an Exorcist reboot? I mean, the Pope's Exorcist had a possessed child but were people as shocked as those back in 1973? Psycho reboot/sequel (although with recasts due to Anthony Perkins dying back in 1992). Takes place 60 years following the events of Psycho and ignores the sequels. Lila Crane still has trouble moving on from her sister Marion's murder at the Bates Motel back in 1960 and is haunted by the memory of Norman Bates. When she hears an elderly Norman is being released from the institution, she plans her revenge against the man who has ruined her life for over half a century. I think this has actually been discussed. Well it seems to be the trend at the moment making legacy sequels to decades old movies with old actors returning to cash on the nostalgia. I didn't mind Halloween 2018 (lets face it, the films before weren't exactly great) but a lot of films have tried following suit. If the series was made back in the 1980s or 1990s I am sure this would have happened. And then a Jigsaw vs Jason in the early 2000s. Disagree. Whilst the franchise has no doubt gotten convoluted and over the top I am glad they have retained the continuity without ignoring previous works that franchises such as Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre keep doing. I don't really see why Twins needed a sequel anyway, especially 35 years later. Although watch this space as someone out there will be wanting to remake it. Seeing as it has been in development hell for 11 years this news isn't surprising. I will be surprised if this goes anywhere, seeing as they have a habit of forgetting about past plot threads. I have a feeling he was kept around originally in the 1980s because it brought a lot of publicity to the show and probably made his "harder" image more authentic. He did let bosses know about his past before accepting the part. I think it's clear that the series is its own thing and not linked to the films (not counting any homages or references made). Looks like it will be getting a sequel. Apparently they were meant to follow up with a Batman Beyond movie but that is unlikely to ever happen what with the rebooted DC film universe on the horizon.