Matildawormwood's Replies

My history teacher from high school looked like Ned Flaunders lol "A Child called it". It's a classic and really good. But very intense. Man, I love "it's my life". Although nothing beats Bon Jovi's more classic songs. It's not that the 70s were too "sexual", today's world is just too uptight and overly sensitive. - Remember when older kid-made shows weren't afraid to touch on more serious topics and when old Disney films (made before the 90s) had adult references and hidden jokes that definitely would NOT slide today? -Robert Pattinson (Nothing against him, he's alright I just don't find him that attractive). - Jhonny Depp (same as above). 1) Once Upon a Time 2) The Vampire Diaries 3) Glee 4) Modern Family 5) Sister Sister 6) Malcolm in the Middle 7) Stranger Things 8) The Game 9) Everybody Hates Chris 10) Gilmore Girls (Didn't get into it until began binge watching it on Neflix a few years ago) That's how it is in today's world. Parents victimizing the guilty suspects. If that shooter wasn't a minority public officials would've defended his actions by saying, "He had a bad day" or "He was depressed and bullied". Just "google it" Let's take a "selfie". Yeah I understand that Seth was left out and all. But I sympathize more with Justin as he had life threatening health issues. He wants to be a regular kid while he has the chance. For GPS purposes. Willy Wonka Grease The Ariatocats The exorcist (Sorry don't know if much more) I love the 90s and everything about it. I was a kid in the 90s and a teen in the 2000s. 90s and 2000s music is the best. I grew up with it. Several 80s songs are good too. I do however think music began going downhill drastically for me in like 2010, with only a few select artists being barable enough to like and listen to. No! Parents are such sissies! Looking for ways to make everyone miserable instead of sitting down every night to help their child with academic and social needs like a responsible parent. No wonder their kids are failing. Lol I agree! These forums is the only thing that makes them feel powerful and important. There's no place out there for them. Society shuns them due to their stupidity and lack of intelligence. Dont take their insults and Trump praising comments personally! They're just covering up for own incompetence. You DO realize that both the republicans and democrats have their flaws right? Don't act like Republicans are perfect and flawless. People who grow up in a toxic living situation only learn bad behavior. They have no one decent enough to raise them with good values. Sadly we don't know. HIV was still pretty new in 1987. But in today's world, it would definitely be under good control with Medicine. Supposedly yes. Or at least she aided Precious dad during these episodes. 1) Precious was pregnant (twice). 2) The mom did absolutely nothing but sit on the couch all day. 3) Whenever Precious ate, it was mostly unhealthy meals that were cooked with a large amount of fatty oil or Fast food (McDonald's). Lack of fruit and veggies. 4) Lack of exercise for both the mom and precious.