GypsyMike's Replies

Mommy or daddy, they are doing everything else for these ones... Dial me up when it becomes a big deal. I can leave IT alone. Hell, you convinced me to take the tread down...look how easily influenced I can be. I’m glad I’m in this country, I put my life on the line for this country, never again. Just because I live here, doesn’t mean I need to support it or will. Wrong is wrong and right is right. The choice is mine. The choice is yours as well. That’s why there was a ? mark after that! Not yet Good deal. I had 1,2 and 3...yeah, personally I am done. FREE choice and FREE will, sent many to an early grave. Land of the FREE? what a joke. FREE cable for 3 months! Only if you lock-in for 3 years. If you try to exit the offer, how FREE will IT be to get out of the contract? are and the things that you get, are anything but FREE! Rock on bro! Free? Someone is paying for it. Do you pay taxes? Even ‘buy one get one free’ is an illusion... It’s only 1/2 price, (nothing) is the only thing that is FREE I support your post. That you have the right to post anything that you choose to type about. But! Using US for your personal therapy session, for you to work out deep things, is getting a bit old. I’m aware that mental health care cost are up, or, you are just too cheap to spend money on one...? You have put up some interesting things to squawk about, but, I’m going to charge you $250 an hour from here on out. I’ll send you the link for my PayPal account... If you are not an amputee with no hands, it’s a waste of money? Perverting oneself to a chunk of metal or plastic just shows how vile and disgusting the perves have become. Then again, I can see why the nerds and geeks need something like this...the only pussy that they are getting is from grandma’s cat ‘Fluffy’. As for the ladies, you will get the size dick you always dreamed of...6” 8” 10” maybe a foot! Extra cash for ‘girth’... Sick and twisted shit up on here! I’m not letting the Republicans off the hook! They are just as disgusting as well. Fox News anchors sitting there wearing a cross around their neck and speaking of bombs, planes and other military needs for Ukraine! Christian? lol yeah, sure you are! I boycott all things I don’t like. Sauerkraut. Pittsburgh Steelers. Stupid people. The color Red. Wokeness. Solar panels. Tight jeans. Blonde hair women. White Albacore tuna that is pink. The list is endless... DISNEY and ALL those attached to any Democratic view, idea or belief, that I don’t like are quickly rebuked. I’m not open to any discussion or cause that questions MY point of view or beliefs. I’m not debating these one’s either. These companies and the people who support this garbage can dine on the garbage that they shovel out. I refuse to accept any alternative lifestyle that I find appalling or disgusting. I am a man with my own mind and beliefs and will not bend to their ideas and/or titles. I don’t watch ESPN anymore. I hate network News. Facebook and Twitter, no need for either one! Supporting these people or any company that supports their ideas or agenda are fully boycotted by me if possible. Unfortunately, my hypocrisy is evident when I’m forced to buy product that is Made in China! Call me racist! Call me homophobic and xenophobic! Call me anything that you choose! Call me out...I have a pocket full of ‘fuck you’s’ just waiting for your call. Which color would you like...purple, red, yellow, green, for him and one for YOU! Smoke On The Water and Stairway To Heaven If I ever hear those two songs again I’ll... __________! Fill in the blank Ernest Goes To Jail Plants: 391,000 Fish: 33,000 Gemstones: 300 Birds: 10,000 Trees: 60,000 Insects: 925,000 For all of this happening by chance, BS! I’ve witnessed a huge explosion and CHAOS was the aftermath! Not PERFECT ORDER! The Earth spinning on ITS own accord, without batteries, pulleys or cables. Perfectly distanced from the Sun... Please, take your evolution from monkey and go eat some bananas. Watch the making of the Earth to dismiss the ‘Big Bang Theory’! First of all, the separation of bum vs. hobo must be determined. A bum blames everyone and everything for being out there. A hobo is out there by choice. Give the bums new tents and the state of Utah, interment camps! Give the hobos free access to all rail and freight trains. They will eventually move on willingly. Or, lace Spam and Dinty Moore Beef Stew with fentanyl and take them both out! Blame everything on Trump... Nope