GypsyMike's Replies

Pot bombs! (AP) As the smoke settles over Ukraine, Russian troops are dug-in and ‘laid back’. The echoes of giggles have replaced the sound of air-raid sirens. It appears that we have reached true peace & security! 14 tons of Cheetos have been ordered and shipped by the Biden administration. Hunter Biden takes the lead in ‘Operation: Chill-Out!’ All is well with the world! And Frito Lay stock is up 780% since yesterday. Yeah, we could dance all day on this topic. Pros and cons until the sun goes down. Granted, in early psychiatry Ice Baths, heinous experiments in a T-4 clinic in Germany. The birthplace of modern psychiatry. Shock treatments and lobotomies! Now, the schizophrenics are far better off with life made better by modern chemistry, but, the treatments are not limited to the schizophrenic...they want to infiltrate every aspect of humanity with a pill for everyone! Whether YOU need them or not. Base pay for a VA shrink, $120,000 a year. A staff shrink, $250,000 annually. Don’t mess with their title or money! YOU may wind up with a room all to yourself! Take away the pills that they prescribe and what is their job title? A psychologist! Nope! Just a vet who knows about the 22 veterans a day that are killing themselves! And VA (?doctors?) are immune to malpractice suits. They re-locate them like child molesting priest. I was in a fight with Mr. Jonathan Daniels a long time ago. I don’t know about you all, but I couldn’t get that finger down my throat quick enough. After the egg salad blew through my nose, I sure felt better! One would think that egg salad and Jack would work without giving myself the finger. Salt and pepper. The white and black. The Yin & Yang. Crazy has no boundaries. It affects the beautiful and the ugly. Rich and poor. And, all the shades of gray in-between. Granted, the creative seem to be the victims of their own doing. Swinging themselves by the tail. Drugs, alcohol, sex addictions, etc. Are these current world leaders creative and/or artistic? Sure they are. They keep finding new ways to dominate one another with suppression...all the way to death. Artist are usually in the public eye because of their art. Making THEM known and more popular. There are artist and musicians that are well balanced and stable, free from crazy. To think that YOU have a predestined fate for a back ward of a mental hospital and/or suicide, is ridiculous! Don’t put the stigma on yourself, as some lame excuse for making bad choices. ADHD & ADD...”Sit your ass down and shut up.” As a soft backhand swipes the side of your head making you feel stupid. Problem solved! A teacher loses control of her classroom. The little brats are too fragile for discipline! The school nurse has discussed the possibility of medicating your kids for a new illness created by so-called doctors. Bulimia is a 20th century made up, self-inflicted behavior problem. From the cradle to the grave YOU are put on ‘pills’ for life! Chemical straight-jackets for the masses! 💊 + Rx Companies + you = $ The biggest racket out there. Psychiatry! Doctors of The Mind! What a fucking joke! They’ll medicate anyone! Artist and/or anyone else that THEY can falsely diagnose. So, are artist and creative people more susceptible for ‘crazy’ than the norm? If you choose to be... Smith has big hands. He took a full swing on The Rock. Feet firmly placed not even knocking him off-balance. The only way to beat the laws of physics is to have an anticipated counter to the action! I’m not Mr. Sheldon Cooper, but, I did stay at a Holiday Inn in the 80’s. It’s entertainment regardless if it was staged or not. As Will Smith approaches Chris Rock, slow down the movement one frame at a time. Chris Rock looks as if he is posturing with weight on his left side, in expectation of a slap. Even offering his left cheek for the slap. “Just make sure that it’s a slap and not a punch dude.” “I got this, in preparation for “Ali” I was trained well.” “You better fucking be.” They laugh. CUT Then again, what do I know... Rainy days in 1970. We grew up playing 2/3 games of baseball on any giving day. Basketball. Football. Etc. When the rain came, and we were forced to play indoors, Pinochle Canasta Pitch...the card games. Risk Monopoly Chess Scrabble...the board games. Inventing silly games of thought and competition. Drawing, paint by numbers, building models. We weren’t afraid of breaking a bone or getting stitched up. That was just a part of growing up. When it snowed, building igloos, snow-ball fights. Hell, we even had dirt clog battles with chunks of dirt! Luckily, there was a huge patch of woods nearby, building forts, tree houses, rope swings that launched you into the water. Chicken fights. Running from sunrise to sunset! I’m glad I grew up when I did! Our childhood was amazing. Never bored. Always into something. Fence walking as a sport. lol At night, under the dim glow of street lights, Red Line! Run down and capture and imprison the opposition! Later on reckless stuff like BB gun fights, until Crossman and Daisy invented the pump BB gun. Risk and chances. Success or failure. Active and rambunctious! Mud and dirt was not a deterrent, nothing like a pickup football game slopping around in the mud! Kids being kids! Before all the gadgets? We were living, as active kids enjoying our blue collar existence. Pampers and pampering are for infants and people my age in assisted living! Boy do I feel sorry for all the little snowflakes and whiners that fill the earth today. Obese and uncoordinated! Mountain Dew and a box of Goldfish with a controller in their hands, pushing buttons all day. I don’t blame you little angels. I blame your parents and grandparents for thinking your are a fragile little thing that breaks and snaps in a stiff breeze. Hillary Clinton’s loss to DT. She imploded. A buddy of mine asked me, “If you were a Superhero, what super power would you have?” I said without hesitation, “ I would make people’s heads explode by just looking at them whispering, BOOM!” Now, taking into consideration the splatter of it all, it would be an ‘implosion’, why mess up his wife’s house or belongings, she didn’t say something stupid. If anything, I am considerate. Everything is destined for the landfill. Everything! I was fixing and repairing old and antique furniture years ago. I had a cabinet shop and did that other stuff as well. In today’s environment, I wouldn’t survive doing this for a living. The styles and BS junk furniture that’s out there today is taking on that early 60’s looking BS. Generation X and Z looks at grannies China Hutch as a relic of the past. No appreciation for the craftsmanship that is older pieces. Oak, mahogany, walnut...replaced with particle board and veneers. I went to Ashley Furniture recently looking for a couch, I hate gray! Everything is gray and boxy. I said to the guy, “What’s up with all this gray stuff?” His reply, “Gray is the new beige.” I still like the old beige. In 50 years or so, the boxy stuff will disappear and at 125 years old, I’ll be able to get that new couch! I am stoked, I can’t wait! When I was a kid the worst thing one could do was a punishment that made me stay indoors. My kids, “Get outside! Stay out there all day, you are punished.” I would gaze out the window and they would sit there moping. Begging to go to the bathroom. lol Child abuse? Nah, not like the razor strap that my old man used on me. “Go down to the creek and piss! If you need to take a shit, don’t wipe with the three leaf plants.” He did a fantastic job. Kilmer. Lucky man, getting to snuggle up to Meg Ryan, little kissy face doll baby. I’m a survivor of a ‘Doors’ obsession! lol... barely made it out alive. But now, I could give a rats’ ass if I ever heard another Doors song. Circus I’m 64. I’m a bit burnt-out on ALL the fossil rock. I’m still digging on the alternative sounds of the progressive 80’s & 90’s. Groups and artist with ‘One Hit Wonders’. You know, buying a whole shitty album for ‘one’ good song! Rock on bro! That’s why there’s 100 different sounds out there appealing to the ears of ALL. The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones...hands down, I’ll take the bad boys of R&R. They were okay. Truthfully, I only know of one album and barely remember any song. Uriah Heep Uriah Heep...did they have more than one or two albums? Not really a household name in the Rock world! I like the White Album and Revolver. It pretty much ends there.