Magicdave's Replies

Really? You are attaching a perversion to an actor playing a part? Another idiot I am putting on "ignore". Ah yes! Another one of those conspiracy theory nuts that inhabit these boards day in and day out. I feel sorry for people like you. You see bad things in EVERYTHING you experience. If DeNiro had died, it would have been big news, and we would have all heard it. And since you are wasting our time with this drivel, I am going to do the sane thing. Put you on "Ignore". I agree that Ratner was the wrong director for X-Men 3. But, in my opinion, he did a good job with the "Rush Hour" series and "Red Dragon". HAHAHA !!!! GOOD ONE! Truer words were never spoken From my perspective (and I am 72 years young at the time of this post) the subject is fascinating. Not that I want to emulate one of those sick people. But that is a problem when someone starts to copy one of them. Well, that proves the nay sayers wrong again. Some posters were saying that now that Disney owns Fox, there will not be any R Rated gory movies in the MCU. Disney is not afraid to let movies carry R ratings, especially since the Fox brand is only connected financially to Disney, similar to other Disney owned movie production studios. 2024 now And we have all discovered that theory was also wrong ... Interesting Idea. Of course, there was a prequel. It's called "Alien". Ha ha! You're funny! I'll bet you saw it in the theaters like the rest of us, and are just trying to provoke a reaction! If you "watched" the film like you say you did, you would have mentioned that the Big G shows up 5 minutes into the movie! I definitely agree. To me, it is a unique premise but very limited. But the powers that be in Hollywood see dollar signs, so they will milk this cash cow for all it's worth and will probably lessen its power to entertain us. We shall see soon. LOL!!! GOOD ONE! I agree with you. Short answer ... No. Long Answer ... HELL NO! Too bad you were too immature to appreciate the film LOL! I think it happened with Christopher Reeve, but it happened, from what I have heard, while they were filming a scene on the streets of NYC. Reeve was dressed as Kent, and no one either recognized him (which is possible, because he wasn't a big star yet) or didn't care. New Yorkers are blase people. One word "Whitewater". She was cagey on the stand, reiterating "I do not recall" whenever a tough question was asked. Putting aside her party affiliation, I don't trust her as far as I could throw her. My wife hates her as a woman who, because she didn't want to jeopardize her career, put up with Bill's philandering.