TAB2440's Replies

He was in several scenes, but then when Dan Challis goes to call the police after he and Ellie's factory visit, the motel office is deserted with just the TV on. He was no where to be found. What do you think happened to him? Do you think he was killed? In fact, he was never seen again after we see that the motel office phone has been bugged. Maybe he was killed because Cochran thought he let things 'slip'? Brandon didn't do anything. It wasn't even a challenge (if it happened). The guy was old. Plus, they have hundreds of others waiting to take his place. So Biden nor you and the rest of his cultists have nothing to celebrate. What are you talking about. Do you know what, seeing you people in the streets, in our schools and classrooms and in other public places makes me want to go home and shower. I agree. I will never play along with transgenderism. It's an abomination and not natural if anything. She shouldn't have to. She stated her opinion but wasn't hateful about it. Everyone has an opinion about this, and everything. And I do agree with JK. He turned around either to find another route as the freeway was clogged or, maybe to head home where his own wife and son were. I'm guessing he'd rather be with them and die together then being separated. If he had made it home, he would have died because you see the wreckage of his former house and neighbour -- nothing but rubble Wasn't Helen Oaks the hanging corpse that maybe a scavenger was trying to to pull the ring off of? I don't think she was vaporised but definitely killed by the collapsing house and other flying and falling structures e.g. crushed mangled, etc. Which The Day After did very well (showing diversity). Really? Now I assumed that the killing of the father put Jolene and Mrs Dahlberg in an extremely dire position regarding safety. He was defending the house and did well until he turned his back on the squatters which you never do especially in times of crisis. It's dog-eat-dog at its most gruesome in this situation. In the work print, you actually see Denise coming home with Danny and Klein and finding the screen door to the farm house opening and closing in the wind, suggesting that nobody is left alive in the house because the squatters had raided it, killed the remaining occupants and probably fled off or died from radiation poisoning inside the house. No. I'm getting vibes that western globalists are trying to start an unnecessary ground war between Russia and Ukraine -- but just enough to keep western society in a state of turmoil. Old post, but you summed it up VERY well. Pretty stupid film. The Awakening (1980) was much better. I agree. Also, the film indicates that the family killed a lot more people before the teens came around. Leatherface had his chainsaw out for Kirk so I'm assuming he's been using a chainsaw for a while. I certainly do...about why I should not think about voting Republican and VOTE republican. :) These people have the balls to say what is wrong with the country -- mass immigration, corruption, etc. It made an impact on me in that it made afraid of being kidnapped. That is something I worried about a lot after I saw this on a local television station back in early '85. I was only eight years old when I first saw this and mind you, this was a time when there were long strings of kidnappings -- children going missing and never being seen again. This film really went there. I certainly was. I saw this when I was eight but watched it again last night and really made me feel timid. Really tired of hearing about dookie lips. He's not ac actor, so why does this dead criminal have a page on here? (polite smile) Oh, you didn't have to tell me that.