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Trump's post-debate fact-checked list of lies ... staggering ...

I'd type it up, but the list is too long.


When are you going to wake up and realize that those are actually the lies by CNN/MSM?


I'm not even gonna click on it lol.


Are you two Trump or Republican fanatics? Because I really can't tell.


Point out a few that they got wrong.


Everyone respects America.

Anyone fact check that one?


It's getting real.


What is? Mayonnaise?


Totally unsurprising. Trump clearly seems to be under the delusion that anything that comes out of his mouth is fact, even when it can EASILY be proven wrong. He also kept changing the subject when asked questions several times. Typical of a grandiose narcissist like him.

Not 100% sure on Biden's views, but he is definitely too mentally declined to handle another term properly. I doubt it was just a cold.


Only the TDSers and anti-Trump brigade expect Trump to be Omniscient.


And yet you clearly have TDS too.


Only those who are anti-Trump are afflicted with TDS.


And those who are anti-Biden have BDS. Is it the law that people must have Derangement Syndrome now? It's sad.


And those who are anti-Biden have BDS.

No such thing. lol


Only the TDSers and anti-Trump brigade expect Trump to be Omniscient.

Thats a hilarious excuse for Trumps constant stream of bullshit , well done!

Also an acknowledgement that not everythig he says is fact - progress!


So weird ... did you see the video of Biden later on that night, and then again today ( the next day ). He was awake and completely lucid and full of energy. He said, he was not a good debator and he had a bad night?

Maybe Biden just had a bad day - he was sick, and it was 9pm, past his bedtime I think.

I am so pissed at this guy for allowing this to happen.

I don't know, the numbers claimed for Biden show him getting beat by Trump, but to me I can't think that because Biden might be comatose anyone would then vote for Trump?


That's what happens when people are declining mentally. They are better at some times than others.


It's not me that I worry about. I always vote, and sadly I usually have to support the weak Democratic party ... and I will vote for Joe if he is the guy. I don't know if anyone is any better than Biden? Who?

Biden can do the job, but he cannot campaign for the job - and campaigning is a part of the job? I also think that most people do not want Kamala Harris to be so close to becoming President.

We have been taken over by a manipulated media, and a massive plutocratic elite that has no love for us, Americans. We have no idea what is going on behind our computer screens.


Trump is clearly better than Joe Biden. Under Trump we had no new wars, no inflation, gasoline prices at an average of $2.35 a Gallon and as low as $1.75, Peace & Prosperity and the list goes on. I'm done repeating this shit over and over


You don't understand basic economics.

Under Trump, the economy collapsed with record unemployment, bankruptcies and mile-long foodlines. Inflation doesn’t exist in a failed economy. No one was driving since businesses and schools were shut, therefore gasoline is cheap.

Biden restored the economy which Trump destroyed. Jobs, new businesses, pay raises, lower taxes and raised benefits left people flush with cash which they spent on goods and travel. High demand + less supply = inflation. People driving = higher gas prices.

If you want lower inflation, then you need to stop spending all the cash that Biden gave you!!

Trump wars included Afghanistan, fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq where dozens of our troops died. Also, numerous terrorists attacks during Trump's watch in the U.S.

No wars under Biden. We're only supporting 2 allies.


Do us all a favor, please shut the fuck up when you don't know what you're talking about 99% of the time and what's worse is you're going to come on here and actually defend Joe Biden and that in itself makes you look like a fool 😂 Trump's your next President, so get over it


Your ad hominem proves you can't refute anything I wrote.


I mean, you've got room to talk for someone desperately defending an old man who got his ass kicked in a debate he asked for by the way in challenging Trump and like Bill Maher said: "This looked like the early days of Mike Tyson knocking his opponent out in 90 seconds and that's what Trump did to Biden and you cannot refute this and no more of this "Deep Fake" crap either since Trump exposed THAT in front of 70 Million watching this debate 😂


You're defending a pathological lying and delusional blowhard who didn't answer debate questions.


At least you could understand him when he did answer all of the questions unlike Biden who CNN had to ask Trump if he understood what he said with Trump saying "No, no one can understand him and neither can America" 🤣


Yes, Trump lies well. He has plenty of practice.


Biden cannot do the job and he is not doing the job.

"We have been taken over by a manipulated media, and a massive plutocratic elite that has no love for us, Americans. We have no idea what is going on behind our computer screens."

How long have we been saying this?


Biden fixed the economy that Trump destroyed. Lowered drug prices. Fixed our reputation overseas. Lowered the poverty rate and tax rate for working class through the child tax credit until Republicans screwed that up. Passed the Infrastructure bill which helps millions living in red states.

You need to remove yourself from your computer and deal in reality.


You need to remove yourself from this website because every time you post, you look more foolish than you already are. You're actually defending a man who couldn't debate worth a fuck last night and got steamrolled by our next President in Donald Trump who not only came off more Presidential and strong, but had CNN actually biting their tongue saying Trump won and soundly


I prefer a man who can run the country, but messed up one debate vs. a cult leader who ran the country into the ground and lies and hallucinates during a debate.


The Hallucinating came from Biden who kept looking down in shame as Trump shellacked his ass for the shitty job he's done in the last 4 years including trying to buy votes by opening the Border wide open for everyone and anyone to come into the U.S, some of which could be Terrorists and this senile old man wouldn't know nor care because he's so obsessed with Trump that it's now blown up in his face and yours.


Trump failed to build a wall that Mexico would pay for.


Wrong!! Trump built 561 Miles of Wall. Do your fucking homework 🙄

"The Trump administration say they've completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then.
It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021)."


He only replaced old crumblywall. So what?


Whatever happened to the economy, happened because of COVID and the lockdowns that democrats and that other liar Fauci pushed for. You're a liar, a moron and a retard. Which is quite the accomplishment.

The infrastructure bill was a Ukraine aid bill with an infrastructure footnote.


Two theories:

I think the no notes idea was a Biden idea hoping Trump couldn't remember facts while Biden could, but Trump decided to just make up stuff.

Biden looked completely shocked after Trump's opening response which was filled with multiple lies and delusions. I don't believe Biden expected Trump to turn up the lies and fantasy world by the 10,000th degree. I believe Biden was completely thrown for a loop since he practiced for one thing and something unexpected happened.

Biden's raspy voice and lack of energy at the beginning were odd. Perhaps not feeling well? Got his second wind later?


He’s a sundowner



Trump clearly seems to be under the delusion that anything that comes out of his mouth is fact

This is sadly true - he thinks he can make it fact by adding "I heard" at the start or end.


Donald Trump is the antichrist.


Where are you getting that nonsense from? Is it that Deep State shill Nemos?




"Trump said Nancy Pelosi took responsibilty for Jan 6th, Nancy Pelosi's office said this a lie."

This is why CNN has no credibility. It's on video


I don't interpret what she said that way. It sounded like more of a "I should have had the forsight to realize Trump was a troublemaker and preparing for the worst." ... not admitting blame. That's BS.

The worst thing about Republicans is that they turn every little thing into some kind of major battle. You cannot run a country with constant negative nit-picking, and constant lying and attacks. You people are so stupid and dangerous, and you are just hurting yourselves for being so stupied.


She clearly says she takes responsibility for the National guard not being there. Here is the full clip.


That's your interpretation ... it is really much like what Truman said - the buck stops here. She was being "the bigger man". So STFU liar.


Umm no. She say’s definitively “I take responsibility for not have them more prepared” There is nothing to interpret.

You call me a liar, but you have to make things up for your context to work. The clip is there, she doesn’t mention Trump once, and she isn’t being the bigger person, because she doesn’t take this stance publicly, she pretends this clip doesn’t exist. This was her real reaction at the time, until she got with her PR team and decided what the official spin was going to be.


You seem ignorant of the difference between the words connotation and denotation. Go Foff now, I'm not doing this all day Dipwit.


I know that when you start insulting the other person, it’s a clear sign that you are losing the argument. All you have at this point is “stupid, stfu, and F off and dipwit” That says a lot more about your intelligence than mine. I’ve been civil with you.


Funny, I don't think it is civil to lie about stuff, I think, lying and doubling down on lies is very uncivil, and deserves insult.

And anyone who relies on these silly tropes like "when you start insulting the other person, it’s a clear sign that you are losing the argument", or "the first person to mention Hitler loses" are just stupid, and when you used them to try to prove a point, it make you stupid.


I’ve simply linked a video, and quotes said video. While you have tried to twist the meaning, and add context that isn’t there, so which one of us is lying?

And no, it’s not a trope, if you were right, you would stick to the facts, like I am doing. You just want to hurl insults because the debate isn’t going how you would like it. Sorry, but I’m not stooping to your level.


Hahahaha, I am way above you ... stooping just makes you lower down.


A commentator on a conservative radio station said Trump didn’t win the debate, Biden lost it.

He said all Trump did was spew out nonsensical word salads and gripe about things no knew cares about anymore.

And that candidates talked about themselves and ignored topics that are actually important to the voters.

We’re screwed regardless which of these idiots get elected.

But Trump will only win because no one wants Harris to be the first female Latina president when Biden becomes too feeble to handle the office next term.


If you took out all the pauses and stutters and just looked at the text of what Biden said, he was right on everything, and he has done a lot for the American people.
What he did get wrong is that he exaggerated saying that no American soldiers had died on his watch. But I think what he probably meant was during wars or military actions. I don't care about that ... especially compared to Trump's constant lie-brags and insults.


Latina? LOL!!!!!

Do you know something the rest of us don't?


It makes sense that the first Indian Senator, and the first black vice president, would also go on to be the first Latina President. She plays identity politics like a pro.


You're delusional since she's not Latina nor ever claimed to be.


What if she decides to identify as a Latina or that her pronoun is Afro-Latina?


You need to stay in reality instead of your self-imposed fantasy bubble.


Another deflection, or do you indirectly imply or admit that she is not allowed to identify as whatever she wants?


Whatever the hell she is. No one cares.

We just don’t want her being President.


You mean "I". You don't speak for the country where she and Biden won the election.


Had nothing to do with her.

If she had run instead of Biden, Trump would have won.


"We just don’t want her being President."

You clearly have a problem with her.

Nevertheless, the Biden/Harris ticket won.


In your opinion, what was the most important lie he told, the one that it is most important that the US voters do not believe?

Let's take a look at that one, for discussion purposes.


How can anyone choose only one from many, many dozens?

The problem is your cult leader is a delusional pathological liar and his cultists believe that's acceptable for the leader of the free world.


Got it. YOu are just spouting talking points.

Any lib have a real point to make, or are they/ you all like Keelai?


Did you watch the full debate? Why do you believe nonstop lying from a delusional mentally ill Trump as presidential candidate is acceptable?


Haven't found the time yet.

Your assumption I believe anything is interesting.


Let's take a look at that one, for discussion purposes.
Well its hard to rank them and find the most important , but the one the OP's link is timestamped to is pretty outrageous.

Its beyond insulting to democrats
its absolutely obviously patently untrue - showing not only how unhinged Trump is that he thinks he can tell people this as is its real.
and worse still a portion of his moronic base that treat his words as the word of god will believe him.

some democratic states allow people to execute babies after birth

How can you even consider a man that comes out with this shit as a candidate ???


"The problem they have is they’re radical, because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth – after birth.

If you look at the former governor of Virginia, he was willing to do this. He said, we’ll put the baby aside and we’ll determine what we do with the baby. Meaning, we’ll kill the baby."

This is from the transcripts.

Here is what he was citing from that governor, Ralph Northam,

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," Northam said. "The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

So, The baby is delivered, kept COMFORTABLE, and a "discussion would ensue" about what to do next....

This in the context of abortion, in an interview where he also said he doesn't want the government involved in the discussion.

Note Trump cited what the guy said, truthfully, and this is important then says, "MEANING", ie meaning what comes next is not a qoute but Trump's take on the guys MEANING. So, some interpretation there,

BUT, considering what the governor said, and the context, I think that Trump's take on it, is pretty reasonable.

And getting back to the debate, TRump's answer is correct. YOU guys are the radical ones, you guys are the ones that keep making... abdolutists statements, like "no government involvement".

That literally means than that the doctor and the mother can do WHATEVER they want.

And I've had plenty of lefties tell me they support abortion right up to the last day. So.... you're not denying that, are you?


Let's take a look at that one, for discussion purposes.

Heres a lightweight one that doesent really matter.

"Europe has no US cars and wont accept them"

Europe, and the rest of the world , does not want your comically big and ugly cars with 350 V8s that still only produce under 200 horses and get about 15mpg

(generally that is , there are some exceptions that are quite cool to car enthusiasts)


So, you're claiming that hte US has equal access to European car markets as they have to ours?

(i just want to be clear as to your position)


I dont know if theres any particular restrictions , like prohibitive tariffs for bringing US cars to Europe , which would make Trump correct ,
I'm just saying its academic as they generally wouldnt sell.
There are a couple of Chevy models available , and Ford Mustangs , so it not illegal


I tried to google it. All I got was crap.

Trump could be very well telling the truth here. Indeed, i would expect that hte europeans would protect their car industry. I know they protect their plane industry.

Your assumption that our cars wouldn't sell is... fine, whatever.

Do you think that US companies and workers deserve a chance to compete in their markets, at least equal to the access they have to ours?


Its a pretty big subject I've not really given a lot of thought to , I think things like this may be the reason most british farmers are on the breadline - and they're the ones who make the bread!

Isnt it something each goverment could arrange for themselves?
Like if Europe ws limiting access for US compainies to sell cars , the US governamnt could restrict europe in return , and then either the sanctions/tarriffs would be later reduced on both sides , or the markets would become separated equally.


Correct. That is the Trump position.

The pushback I have been getting from anti-trump people, since Trump hit the scene, and before actually when it was other people making these same arguments,

is... varied. A lot of Free Trade ideology. A lot of just anti-American assumptions that we can't compete and should just give up. A lot of just reflexives disagreement.

Very little real... reasons why the US should trade if it is not to our benefit.

I want those jobs for Americans. So does Trump.

That was not a "lie", that was a valid policy position.
