MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is the "Patriot" actually Person-16 insi...

Is the "Patriot" actually Person-16 inside Mar-A-Lago TrumpWorld that provided Info to the FBI on Stolen Documents?? 🗽👍

DJT hires ONLY the best PEOPLE.

'Justice Department and FBI investigators obtained "particularly helpful" emails and texts from Molly Michael, a former Trump White House aide who followed him to Mar-a-Lago before leaving the job last year, according to the report.
The report continues:
"The messages "provided investigators with a detailed understanding of the day-to-day activity at Mar-a-Lago at critical moments," according to the Post, and have used the messages to help understand Trump's actions last year.

Investigators are particularly interested in whether Trump may have obstructed government efforts to collect and return all sensitive materials that he took home to Mar-a-Lago, according to the report. Investigators have spent much of their time looking at what happened after Trump's advisers received a subpoena in May demanding the return of all classified documents.

Investigators have found evidence that Trump "looked through the contents of some of the boxes of documents in his home, apparently out of a desire to keep certain things in his possession," sources familiar with the investigation told the Post."
Well Scooby, I think we found the villain!!

Ruh row!!!🤣


Most likely Mark Meadows.


Mark Meadows would then be playing the role of Triple Agent, but I like that as the Number 1 choice.

My next choice is Paul Manafort.


Alternatively, it could be one of Meadows' aides.

It looks like Meadows may have turned over information in exchange for lighter charges/sentence.


[–] Jes' Sayin' (4975) 9 months ago
Alternatively, it could be one of Meadows' aides.

It looks like Meadows may have turned over information in exchange for lighter charges/sentence.
Looks like there is/was MORE than one mole.

Is there no honor among crooks and thieves?


LOL, of course not. That's a big reason why thievery ultimately goes wrong so often.

Thanks for the link.


it was fauci!!! idk who he is, but fox tells me he's bad!


Hillary Clinton!!!!


Sources seem to indicate it was Melanoma Tramp who finally couldn't take it any more and dropped the dime.

There is also evidence pointing to Iskanka Tramp as The Trump Family Crime Foundation rat fink.


[–] immattj (4042) 8 months ago
Sources seem to indicate it was Melanoma Tramp who finally couldn't take it any more and dropped the dime.
Now that Stormy Daniels has resurfaced it appears that Mrs. Trump is a valid candidate for Mole-Of-The-Year.


Sources report that Dementia Donnie put Beavis and Butthead Trump (aka Eric and Donnie Junior) in charge of getting classified documents to Putin, and apparently those two retards were using an unsecured fax machine.


are there secure fax machines? how do they work?


Why did it have to be anybody?

The DOJ could have just made that up, too.


Maybe it was the disgruntled illegal alien employed as a pool-boy at Mar A Lago. He was banging Melania, so he did have a motive to drop the dime on Dementia Donnie.


Makes sense to me!

Get rid of Donald and the pool boy will take over the whole empire!

Take that, orange Hitler!


Well, it is a given that those two retards, Beavis and Butthead Trump (aka Eric and Donnie Junior), are too stupid for the job. . . .


Reading their depositions is a revelation in JUST how deplorable both are as businessmen. They all want to be responsible for nothing, accountable for nothing, but rewarded for everything.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (221) 11 hours ago
Why did it have to be anybody?

The DOJ could have just made that up, too.
DJT has video surveillance all over the Mar-A-Lago crime compound. Can't call it a fortress because he hosted Chinese wannabe oligarchs trying to buy influence. Based on DJT railing about the FBI messing up Mrs. DJT's closet you know DJT KNOWS that there was an informant.

Former president DJT f**ked around and the current AG Dark Brandon-ed his traitorous house. AG Garland marched into Mar-A-Lago and took back the People's confidential documents. 🤣


LOL What are babbling about?


Dude, you KNOW that I don't, never have, and never will "Babble".

Stay focused. Who inside of "Trumpland" informed the FBI that DJT had and was withholding sensitive documents?


Good question.

Will we ever find out? I doubt it.

I wouldn't be surprised if this person doesn't exist. They just pretend so they can raid Trump's home.

Has any person ever been so heavily investigated in search of a crime? This is really getting insane.

This is America? The land of innocent until proven guilty? Not for anyone named Trump.

Biden? You are innocent even when proven guilty.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (223) 6 minutes ago
Good question.

Will we ever find out? I doubt it.
If you mean "we" as "You" personally? Maybe not because "You" are acting very much like an obfuscator. Denoted by the statements and rhetorical questions in this response. Everyone else will find out but the exact DNA profile of that person(s) will remain in protection because MAGA-world, Trumpland, Right-Wing Conservatives, Trump-Acolytes, Trump-Bootlickers, Rand Paul, will go after those person(s). I remind you of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman.
I wouldn't be surprised if this person doesn't exist.
So you are suggesting that DJT and Mar-A-Lago were being spied upon. Good move but badly played political chess move.
They just pretend so they can raid Trump's home.
A judge, the DOJ, and the FBI have to be all in on your little fever wet dream. How about this? There was smoke (DJT took the documents.). DJT started a fire. (He stonewalled, ignored a Subponea) It wasn't a raid it was a legal search. DJT's security detail (SS) and his lawyers let the FBI in.
Has any person ever been so heavily investigated in search of a crime? This is really getting insane.
DJT has ignored the law and not been held accountable. He is insane by continuing to think he can get away with upping the ante as to the kind of antics he continues to try.
This is America? The land of innocent until proven guilty?
Attorney General Merrick Garland maintained the rule of law by negotiating, issuing subpoenas, not leaking any news to maintain DJT's presumption of innocence.
Not for anyone named Trump.
Trump abused document use continuously while in the White House. He was warned numerous times. Donald Trump had notoriously poor security and intelligence hygiene.
Biden? You are innocent even when proven guilty.
Sorry, President J.R. Biden has never been investigated nor proven guilty of anything. Why lie Roger?


What law has Trump broken?

If it's just the classified material, I've handled that, too.

You don't raid a person's home for that.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (226) 3 minutes ago
What law has Trump broken?

If it's just the classified material, I've handled that, too.

You don't raid a person's home for that.
Stay Focused Roger:

DJT had documents that the National Archives (via the PRA) demanded that DJT return. DJT delayed. DJT was subpoenaed. DJT had highly sensitive documents that the Government wanted returned, that are listed in the Warrant. The FBI presented the Warrant, the Affidavit, and proceeded to retrieve the "Sensitive Documents" based on where the informant said they might be stored.

THAT is why you SEARCH a person's residence.


Sources close to the situation have confirmed that all of the accusations from the FBI are fabricated and are part of a political witchhunt to stop DJT running in 24, ha debunked sweaty!


[–] Miyagido (857) 7 minutes ago
Sources close to the situation have confirmed that all of the accusations from the FBI are fabricated and are part of a political witchhunt to stop DJT running in 24, ha debunked sweaty!
Are "You" the source?


No I'm not the source but the source is someone close to the FBI who is in line with their way of thinking and has a critical understanding of the situation but wishes to remain anonymous, they have debunked all of the claims and stated categorically that the claims are fabricated, so yeah suck it debunked.


[–] Miyagido (858) 6 minutes ago
No I'm not the source but the source is someone close to the FBI who is in line with their way of thinking and has a critical understanding of the situation but wishes to remain anonymous,
Got it!! It is not "You" but you have a friend, who knows another friend, who doesn't have a name, that has another friend that said, "they have debunked all of the claims and stated categorically that the claims are fabricated,".

Well, that settles that once and for all! Tell RogerCobb1986 he can stop looking for three things; the one-armed man that killed Richard Kimble's wife, 2. the Columbian Drug-Lords that murdered Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson and 3. the informant that snitched on DJT about the whereabouts of particular sensitive documents. 😂


Oh the anonymous source close to Trump who told the FBI where the supposed documents were? No the anonymous source close to the FBI said that entire story was fabricated. Stop spreading disinformation.


Looks like the "Butler" is the mole inside the Mag-A-Lago compound, er, uh, resort/hotel.

Yes, it was an inside job! "An employee at Mar-a-Lago reportedly told federal investigators that former President Donald Trump gave a directive to move boxes to his residency in the run-up to the FBI raid in August.

Investigators were able to corroborate the account with other witness testimony and security-camera footage showing individuals moving the boxes, sources told the Washington Post. Trump made the request to move the boxes following a May subpoena."


No actually sources close to the butler who are familiar with that way of thinking and are actively involved in the situation have confirmed that the butler made it all up. People have corroborated this information with other witnesses also heavily involved and close to the situation. Stop spreading fake news. All of this is on film and has been confirmed by someone who watched the film, then told other people what was on said film.


[–] Miyagido (2266) 9 months ago
No actually sources close to the butler who are familiar with that way of thinking and are actively involved in the situation have confirmed that the butler made it all up. People have corroborated this information with other witnesses also heavily involved and close to the situation. Stop spreading fake news. All of this is on film and has been confirmed by someone who watched the film, then told other people what was on said film.
I would really like to know WHO gave you this information and WHY you ran with this story.


[–] Miyagido (2031) 9 months ago
No I'm not the source but the source is someone close to the FBI who is in line with their way of thinking and has a critical understanding of the situation but wishes to remain anonymous, they have debunked all of the claims and stated categorically that the claims are fabricated, so yeah suck it debunked.
Looks like the Mole, er, um, Patriot-Of-Mar-A-Lago has reappeared and is providing more testimony as to the crimes of DJT and his document handling. 🤣🤣


Special counsel Jack Smith is particularly interested in Trump’s actions last spring after he failed to comply with a subpoena demanding their return, actions that could amount to obstructing the probe.

The revelation, first reported by the New York Times, suggests investigators have ammunition to confront Trump aides who have kept their lips sealed about the documents and particularly possible gaps in video security footage of a Mar-a-Lago storage room where they were mostly kept.


A hidden room and a cooperating witness? The Treason thickens!

"Yet more for the FBI Director to answer for," he added.

Former prosecutor Shanlon Wu noted that the search warrant that allowed the search, also allowed the FBI to conduct a search of the locked closet. The legal expert also clarified that the search happened "BEFORE Jack Smith was appointed to lead the investigation."

Allison Gill, who worked for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, also added some clarification on the issue of the FBI's Mar-a-Lago search.


That is 100% False. Trump had the documents. No one is questioning that.


No, sources close to the situation have confirmed everything I said.


[–] Miyagido (2087) 9 months ago
No, sources close to the situation have confirmed everything I said.
Looks like the Mara-A-Lago Mole brought receipts in the form of video and pictures that totally refute your sources close to the situation and their alleged "confirmation". Methinks your sources never really existed.

Even more of Trump's own attorneys need attorneys.
Special counsel Jack Smith's team has obtained lawyer notes showing that former President Donald Trump was warned that he could not keep any classified documents in response to a subpoena he failed to comply with last year, according to The Guardian.

Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran, who was ordered to testify before a grand jury by a judge after prosecutors pierced his attorney-client privilege claims, conveyed the previously unreported warning to the former president last year, according to the report. The warning "could be significant" in Smith's probe because it shows that he was aware of his subpoena obligations, according to the report.


It appears to have been a number of FBI agents both friendly to DJT who opposed the search and were afraid of Trumpers.


Are the walls still closing in?


I heard it was all happening in another 2 weeks! For certain this time!


No doubt, its always 2 more weeks. lol


[–] Bubbathegut (12203) 4 days ago
Are the walls still closing in?
I don't know about walls, but the rooms are fairly empty of his loyal supporters and casual followers. I guess you could say that the walls are closing in as smaller venues are being booked to make the attendance appear to be larger?

On a legal front there do appear to be several court challenges that are indeed getting closer, and closer, and closer, and closer...

Would you consider those walls or windows that DJT might escape through or from?


"closer, and closer, and closer, and closer..."

No doubt, its getting closer to President Trump being President again and fixing the mess that Diaper Joe has created.

Thanks again for talking about Mr. President Trump and not that other guy.


No doubt, its getting closer to President Trump being President again and fixing the mess that Diaper Joe has created.
DJT is closer to being President of an HOA in Florida than a recipient of an indictment?


"President Biden is STILL the President and the Supreme Court can't, won't, and AINT going to do anything about it.


We are not sure if he is president or not since there was never a Federal investigation into the 2020 election. Mueller confirmed that Donald J Trump was the real President and won fair and square despite Nancy saying the election was hijacked.


[–] Bubbathegut (12235) 21 hours ago
We are not sure if he is president
Mr. The Gut, what do you mean by "WE" Kemosabe?? You got a mouse in your pocket or a split personality? You weren't ever elected, selected or even projected to being the official spokesperson for the Ultra-MAGA-Nation of election deniers. No WE, just you.
or not since there was never a Federal investigation into the 2020 election.
Hmmmmmm, methinks that you're not from Kansas nor even from America with that kind of statement. Remember your 9th grade reading and comprehension of the US Constitution? Elections aren't decided and certified the way you so ignobly stated. You must not be feeling well.
Mueller confirmed that Donald J Trump was the real President and won honestly
Google and not Sputnik is your friend. Please find us a link to this non-event. I guarantee you can't find a Fox News talking head making that statement or claim.

On the contrary to what you so ineloquently just lied about. Here is some of what Robert Mueller did say:

What were you saying about those walls?

Yikes, no exoneration on the Mueller scorecard with Trump's name on it!

OH KNOWSSSSSS!!! Collusion was real??!!!
despite Nancy saying the election was hijacked.
Speaker Pelosi sure did tweet that. And....... Putin wanted and actively engaged in making that happen. This was never in dispute and Russia did interfere in the 2016 election. DJT was/is/and will always be a "Useful" Idiot for Putin while DJT thinks he is Grifting off Russia.

MAGA "Griftees" paid for that to happen. That is the only truly American thing that DJT did successfully. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!!


Your posts read like an bipolar insane person with 7 different personalities. Bruh.


[–] Bubbathegut (12239) 5 minutes ago
Your posts read like an bipolar insane person with 7 different personalities. Bruh.
Except you can't point to a single statement that I have typed that even supports what you just said.

We've had many discussions before and Bi-Polar is your complete M.O. With many suggesting that the following Aliases are/were/is:


As well as there are times when you type your responses like a character in Moon Knight suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder. I don't have the equivalent DC Iconic character/villain to refer you to.

Maybe "Two-Face"?


[–] Bubbathegut (17011) a year ago
Are the walls still closing in?
The walls have closed in so much that DJT is even saying that he has lost weight.

How? His wallet is a little thinner and a lot lighter!


No. You don't do raid someone's home for that.



[–] RogerCobb1986 (227) 10 minutes ago
No. You don't do raid someone's home for that.

Why are you saying, "No"? Mar-A-Lago was never raided. Mara-A-Lago was searched and DJT, the secret service, DJT's lawyers, a court approved Warrant all allowed the FBI in.

DJT was warned and informed. He should have given the people back their "Stuff". 👌


LOL Searched? It was raided. They were armed to the teeth. It was not 'search'. It was a raid.

Unbelievable how Democrats have lowered our standards.

Is this Russia? China?

It's not really America anymore.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (228) 12 minutes ago
LOL Searched? It was raided.
You know Roger-The-Dodger, I really don't have a problem if you call it a Raid, or a Search or a National Treasures Hunt or a Scavenger Hunt, or a Forage, or an Exploration. When the People ask for their "Stuff" back and you don't return it when asked with a subpoena you know what is going to happen?
They were armed to the teeth.
Yep!! That is how the FBI rolls when you ignore a Subponea. Try it and see what happens to you.
It was not 'search'.
Sure it was. That is why what they had in hand was a "Search Warrant". They did not execute a "Raid" Warrant they executed a "Search Warrant"
It was a raid.

Unbelievable how Democrats have lowered our standards.
Seriously, do you understand American Jurisprudence. Executing a "Search Warrant" and you "feeling" it was a "Raid" doesn't change how the events fold out when you ignore a subponea. Sorry if what you "Feel" is uncomfortable.
Is this Russia? China?
If you don't know where you are and what is being discussed I implore you to refocus.

It's not really America anymore.
Truly it is. No one is above the "Law" when "Order" is imposed on you. DJT found out just how America is governed.


You don't raid ANYONE for that kind of material.

Obviously, this was purely political.

At least have the guts to admit it.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (230) 6 minutes ago
You don't raid ANYONE for that kind of material.

Obviously, this was purely political.

At least have the guts to admit it.
Stay focused. The documents that were requested he should have returned when asked. DJT ignored a court ordered subpoena. DJT played chicken with America's Courts and Law Enforcement arm and F**ked himself. DJT didn't get Dark Brandoned but he sure got "Quiet" Garlanded.

He should have returned ALL of the documents when asked the first time. The FBI carried out an additional 12 boxes during their "Search", I mean "Raid", I mean "Exploration", I meant "Scavenger Hunt".

Where is the politics?


So what?

All presidents take documents.

You don't raid their homes, you jackass. LOL


[–] RogerCobb1986 (235) an hour ago
So what?

All presidents take documents.
With the express written consent of Major League Baseball and more importantly, The National Archives via the FRA.
You don't raid their homes, you jackass. LOL
If you ignore a Court Ordered subpoena and a "Search Warrant" where the FBI is sent in to retrieve the people's "Stuff" you get F**ked. DJT F**ked himself.

Some of the documents retrieved required the following control and administration mechanism for protection:

Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

A sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF; pronounced /skɪf/), in United States military, national security/national defense and intelligence parlance, is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process sensitive compartmented information (SCI) types of classified information.

SCIFs can be either permanent or temporary and can be set up in official government buildings (such as the Situation Room in the White House), onboard ships, in private residences of officials, or in hotel rooms and other places of necessity for officials when traveling.[1] Portable SCIFs can also be quickly set up when needed during emergency situations.


Trump will win in 2024.

That's the end result of this raid.

I've handled classified material and there used to be repercussions for its mishandling.

Hillary Clinton changed all that.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (238) 18 minutes ago
Trump will win in 2024.
You sure?
That's the end result of this raid.
No. The end result was the people got their "Stuff" returned to the National Archives.

You get distracted by conspiracies real easy.
I've handled classified material and there used to be repercussions for its mishandling.
Okay. That means you should have known that DJT F**ked himself sooner.
Hillary Clinton changed all that.
Well at least you didn't start your sentence with "What about", so you can learn a new trick.

Carry on.

Now who is the mole within "Trumpland"?


First, Hillary has to return the thousands of documents she destroyed.

She didn't just hide them.

She destroyed them.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (250) 9 hours ago
First, Hillary has to return the thousands of documents she destroyed.
What does Hillary Clinton have to do with DJT being ordered to return "Sensitive Documents" via a subopena?
She didn't just hide them.

She destroyed them.
She sure did because she intermingled work and personal. Very few of the documents on Hillary Clinton's server were marked accordingly.

Is this what you want to adjudicate? Hillary Clinton sat before Congress. Let's have DJT sit before Congress and see how that turns out.

You honestly think that Hillary Clinton is DJT's forever get out of accountability card?

But Hillary...
But Hillary...
But Hillary...

DJT F**cked himself. Hillary Clinton is laughing. Take a bet on who gets slapped and called into court first over document handling, Hillary Clinton or DJT?


No, you don't intermingle your government account with your personal one. If you do, then your personal emails become part of the classified material and then need to be declassified.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (250) 23 minutes ago
No, you don't intermingle your government account with your personal one. If you do, then your personal emails become part of the classified material and then need to be declassified.
And this was adjudicated by the FBI, the DOJ, an the Attorney General.

Comey testified that the FBI "didn't find any evidence of evil intent and intent to obstruct justice."

To determine which emails were work-related, a member of Clinton’s legal team did four things: she automatically deemed any email sent from or to a .gov and .mil address as related to work; she searched the tens of thousands of emails for names of senior State Department officials, lawmakers, foreign leaders and other government officials; she conducted a keyword search for work-related terms; and she looked at the sender, recipient and "subject" of every email for other potentially work-related emails, but she did not read the contents of those emails.

In December 2014, Clinton’s legal team provided about 30,000 emails -- totaling 55,000 pages -- to the State Department.

Any more "What about Hillary Clinton"?


Well, that guy didn't last very long!


[–] [RogerCobb1986] 3 days ago
LOL Searched? It was raided. They were armed to the teeth. It was not 'search'. It was a raid.

Unbelievable how Democrats have lowered our standards.
Sorry Roger-The-Dodger, I shortchanged the DOJ's response and action to DJT being subpoena-ed. DJT was presented with a "Search and Seizure" Warrant for the return of the People's "Stuff". DJT's crime compound in Florida was not raided it was Searched and items were Seized. Looks like no informal trips to Mother Russia for brunch with Vlad.


I wonder when posters delete their user/alias-name to hide their posting history do they think anybody REALLY cares?


..... but the DOJ didn't make anything up.

But you knew that anyway.


[–] RogerCobb1986 (221) 11 hours ago
Why did it have to be anybody?

The DOJ could have just made that up, too.
No need to invent people DJT keeps moving his mouth and clues spill out all over the floor, along with intent.


[–] [deleted] 2 years ago
Why did it have to be anybody?

The DOJ could have just made that up, too.
Self-deleted alias or Moderator-Deleted alias?

Nevertheless, you USED to be RogerCobb1986. 🗽🤣😂



No I heard Trump took the nuclear football in a secret service limo then grabbed the steering wheel, drove directly to Stormy Daniels house then forced her at nukepoint to pee all over him!


[–] Miyagido (863) 2 hours ago
No I heard Trump took the nuclear football in a secret service limo then grabbed the steering wheel, drove directly to Stormy Daniels house then forced her at nukepoint to pee all over him!
Your anonymous source is FULL of critical information. Tell us more.

Wait until the NSA silent click isn't heard before you start typing.


Have you graduated clown college yet or did you have to repeat a year?


[–] Miyagido (1580) 7 months ago
Have you graduated clown college yet or did you have to repeat a year?
Never went to Clown College but you seem to know quite a bit about said institution. Your Alma Mater?

Methinks Mar-A-Lago is a satellite campus of that Clown College that you speak of and or a part of Trump University.

Yes, Clown College and Trump University were used in the same sentence.


That's what I heard but believe me! I do t know anything


Jared Kushner for seeing the writing on the wall before Trump's term was over.


[–] andersonb85 (536) an hour ago
Jared Kushner for seeing the writing on the wall before Trump's term was over.
Jared? That is a pretty gutsy call.


Mary Trump also thought so.


Molly Michaels is the Trump Employee number 2 in the Mar-A-Lago indictment speaking charges and the newly identified Patriot at Mar-A-Lago!

Molly Michael, the former Donald Trump aide who is now among the witnesses testifying in his classified documents case, is the "witness from hell" for the former president, according to a legal analyst.

Michael was one of Trump's long-time assistants, having worked with him since 2018, when he was still at the White House, and following him at Mar-a-Lago after he left office in early 2021. She reportedly quit last year after Trump refused to comply with federal requests over the classified documents at the Florida residence.
