Lord Rake's Replies

Come on man, he has dementia and didnt realize it was his daughter. This post didnt age well at all. Scandal or indictment incoming, will be here by Monday. They will probably indict trump again. Or encourage another whack job to say he raped her 35 years ago in an ice cream truck in the middle of Central Park. The bots are probably waiting for their direction and for leftwing articles to be written so they can use them as sources for their "evidence". He's the Best they've got. Joe looked bewildered and lost the entire debate. Neither of them actually talked about content, maybe Biden more but it was obviously being whispered to him in his ear and was unintelligible. The truth is 90% of people just go off of looks and not the content. I've never seen someone look confused for as long as Biden was tonight. Many times he wasn't even confused but it's his go to facial expression. You kiss your goat with that mouth? Or you could vote for Trump. Holy shit. What the fuck? I just tuned in and Biden is saying Trump literally said Hitler was right. He's talking about Charlottesville like anyone is thinking of it, and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. This is the worst I have seen him, and no I dont feel bad for him. The problem is they've been rehearsing the answers to the questions CNN is going to ask him for a month. He isn't going to be entertaining at all, it will just be the teleprompter shit we get all the time. The only chance is if Trump works him up enough that he forgets where and who he is and everything that they've been rehearsing. I predict Trump will actually insult him and they will use that as a reason to cancel any further debates. Biden looks like a jackass in debates and while giving a speech. Another good thing is no sunglasses to block out that confused frightened look for 90 minutes. That's the main reason he started wearing aviator glasses at 78, it's not like he ever wore them while a senator or vp. Fuck that place, I hope they keep shipping them there. I doubt there will be another debate. Trump will insult the idiot and they will say they won't do another one because of trumps behavior. That's my prediction, it will probably be boring also because cnn is part of the dem party and was given the questions from the White House. I read that as "the new Mexico Justice Department" and couldn't understand what the fuck you meant because as far as I knew the mexican justice system has always been that way. But now I see you are talking about the state. But yes, if any law enforcement goes to the wrong house using excessive force they should be criminally punished. You are going to read that comment tomorrow after you've sobered up and be embarrassed. The archivist is not in the constitution and sure as hell is not above the president. Did they question Leonardo or Michelangelo on their methods? Or criticize their temperament when they were making great pieces of art to be cherished throughout the centuries? Why are you treating Lawrence differently than the other artists, maybe you think only White people make art? They already admitted to Fabricating evidence for pictures which they leaked to the media. So who do I trust? The person who had documents "who knows what they actually are" and never leaked any photos of them. Or the fbi who leaked and doctored those documents within hours of getting them? or maybe there is no video or its embarrassing to all involved. a 97 year old didn't throw anyone off stage and probably couldn't even be understood or even know why he was mad. This all sounds silly.