Lord Rake's Replies

RFK has been in the swamp his entire life. I don't dislike him but to think he is a sure uncorrupt bet is insane. The fact that the establishment is going this nuts over trump is a sign he is the real candidate. Even if elected he won't be able to do much, it is probably too late to get out of the mess they've spent us into. I like the first four commandments. Keeping the sabbath is difficult because of the busy nature of the world and inflation. It's not a bad habit even if one isn't religious to keep a day for self reflection, rest, and admitting sins. "Why does this matter at all what consenting adults do in their private time? What does this have to do with ethics or morality?" Just because you like it doesn't make it less gross. No assfucking. Because they work. The only fault I can find in them is the creator left out the 11th because he thought it was obvious and didn't need to be carved in stone by a lightning bolt. Pride is a sin. So we agree it has no place in the schools. I dont know, maybe we should check to make sure those ticks are ok. Nah, leave the ten commandments and just get rid of that degenerate pride shit. Such a big universe and all these sequels need to be tied directly to one character. That doesn't make much sense, just make it about aliens with new characters. We go through this every election. The republicans try to cater to a minority of the minority and it gets them 1% for the trouble. Or some inconsequential amount, Trump needs to focus on getting a bigger percentage of the white vote because black vote wont be significant enough for a long time if ever. And most of the time they dont even turn out and if they dont vote democrats fill out a ballot for them and submit it in the days after the election. You mean BVS? Why dont you like anthology shows? Do you think it takes less craft to create them? Why do you want more sci fi shows? Sci Fi has had its own network for decades and before that there were all the Star Trek and twilight zone, outerlimits shows. If those are combined with the new stuff there is more than any Human could possibly watch in a lifetime. I'm pretty sure the mother is the one who ruined the kids life. "Crowdfund your own white-only streamer." Should I start my own internet as well? Maybe I should start a production house and start a new Hollywood? " I could go on and name many more highly successful shows like For All Mankind." Well could you name one I've fucking heard of? Why does it irk you so much that one particular demographic might want their own content? Why cant you accept that woke crap is never successful on its own and must be shoehorned into an already successful, non-degenerate, entity? Yes there should be, people should not be forced to watch diversity crap when all diversity means in the media's context is less straight white males. Remember when they said he was trying to get people to drink bleach? And the whole media went with it even though they had seen his entire comment and knew 100% he wasn't suggesting drinking bleach or anything crazy. Are those above average critical thinking skills also what keeps you from finding a job? Hasn't every president with the exception of Trump admitted to doing illegal drugs? Isn't that a crime? It's the same as if you placed a turkey in his place. There is no thinking about what is going on, or of future or past occurrences. He is just seeing a picture and hearing music, completely without thought. Now is this him without drugs or loaded to the gills with them? It doesn't really matter but I wonder how many times they can load him full of drugs and talking points like the state of the union before he gets stuck in the state we are seeing here.