MovieChat Forums > sslssg > Replies

sslssg's Replies

I'm not so sure. I just re-watched the movie, and the one guy at the end where she pulls up the mask, just not all the way, I think it might have been the one who had the pupet in the closet. Also at the end, the British girl comes across the pupet and then she's the one on the snuff site. I don't really get how it's all tied together, or if it's just random, and the film makers used similar sounding/possibly looking actors. I think a lot of it is narcissism. In a selfie you are front and centre. I work at a Heritage tourist attraction, and I offer to take pictures of people all the time in front of some of the buildings, especially our old theatre. So often people say no as they want the picture to be about them, not their surroundings. What did you think of Hunt for the Wilderpeople? Trudeau was more like the eagle that over saw the pond from up above. I know. I get having different filming locations for all the movies, but the lake really seems to vary in size. We are supposed to believe that it's big enough to hold a few different summer camps, several homes, plus have a waterway that leads to New York. I think my biggest issue with the portrayal of the lakes in these movies was in part 7 where Jason is submerged near the homes, when Tommy dumped him not too far from the last camp. But I guess if Crystal Lake is that big, there might have been currents to move him around? I just watched it and had to laugh. I really liked it. Not as much as season one, but I liked it a lot more than Defenders, Iron Fist, Punisher, and the second half of Luke Cage. Maybe that's because I'm a female though. I know that Ebert really didn't like Shallow Grave, which at the time, pissed me off because I really liked it. It was my first introduction to Ewan McGregor and Christopher Eccleston and I think he called them unpleasant and boring. Not a horrible insult, really, but it really rubbed me the wrong way. Sarah Jane Smith was always my favourite. Probably because she was Tom Baker's companion when I first started watching. I was so happy to see her in the school reunion episode. Plus she looked great. I also think that Jack is a pretty hot companion. I think it was a great response in some regards. I do ask though, what is so different about american culture, from other western societies, that you have the shootings that other nations do not? I get that gun violence is not the fault of the gun, but even in countries that are just as armed as the US, they don't have the same problems. Why? We can blame porn, abortion, death with dignity laws, video games etc, but that's pretty much in all of the western world. What is the difference? I agree. Gas is the only reason I can still justify paying for a membership. My membership fee more than pays for itself with my savings on fuel. My car only takes premium and Costco is always the cheapest, and usually by quite a bit. Too many to choose from. I love Jane Austen for romance, and I'll throw in Gone with the Wind for the love story. Harry Potter for re readability. All time favs, Secret World of Og by Pierre Burton, Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery, The Shining by Stephen King, The House of Sixty Fathers by Meindert DeJong, and Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie. Recent books that have stuck with me, Cicada Springs by Christian Galacar, 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out... by Jonas Jonasson, and the Millennium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson. But they have made a flipped around version. Skeleton Key. It might not have played race as much, but essentially the black servants took over the white's bodies through Hoodoo. Ok JT has done some stupid things recently, but Info Wars is no more credible than the Salon. Edmonton is a wonderful place, and my hometown. I am not afraid to tell you where I'm from. I've said in several different threads on here that I am Canadian. You don't have to be rude. You aren't getting the point that I'm trying to make either. Why should it matter who gets to express their opinion? Just because someone entertains for a living doesn't mean that they have any less of a right to express an opinion than you or I, or this woman. Her opinion is that no one cares what celebs think. Great. I don't really care either. I just find it funny that her opinion is that celebs shouldn't use talk shows for opinions, yet she puts out a video for people to see. To me, that's a double standard. If the video goes viral, will that make her opinion worth less because she would be an internet celebrity? Does this only apply to actors and singers? If her opinion had only been about concerts that a celeb is making money at, like the Lady Gaga example, I could agree. But I don't agree what that someone doesn't have a right to express an opinion during an interview, or on a talk show. I also asked the question that if no one cares, why has the US had two celebrity presidents? Both Republican. I think that that's a fair question to ask considering you said [quote]No one except Lefty Loons, and nerdy, boot licking Hollyweird sycophants that is.[/quote] You don't have to agree with my opinion, I'm not your enemy. I was simply stating my opinion. And since I'm not a celebrity that should be ok. I am very familiar with expressing an opinion. Which is what I am pretty sure that celebrities do and are being told to shut up about, and that is the point I'm trying to make. If this woman, was a celebrity, shouldn't she be telling herself that no one cares what she thinks? Why the double standard? Can I just say that I find it really ironic that this woman is talking about how no one cares what celebrities think, while making a video, published online, probably hoping to get as many views as she can, all about what she thinks. Also calling out celebrities for the same crap that both sides of the spectrum, (Well, all sides, as I don't see the political spectrum as linear.) spout on Twitter daily. Look at all the people who said they were going to move if gay marriage became legal. Also, if Americans don't care what celebrities think, why do you keep electing them? If you don't want to hear what someone has to say, don't listen to them. Don't support them. Don't spend your money on them. They will either shut up, or go into politics.