howgamer's Replies

"hot guys and CGI monsters" That was great lol!! I don't see why people can't be a fan of both Marvel and DC. This whole thing of taking sides has always boggled my mind, but I don't want to go down that rabbit hole lol This lol I'm optimistic more so because of the director. I thought the effects were over-the-top and I didn't enjoy the trailer that much, but sometimes you get get mediocre trailers which turn out to be good movies and vice versa. Like how I was really excited about Venom after seeing that trailer and well we see how that is turning out :( I don't disagree with any of that, but I would still be excited for and watch an adult Netflix Batman series. I could see them "rebooting" that way, but it will be more difficult than it was with Star Trek. Fans have to forget four movies which is quite a bit, but it could happen over time. Additionally, it's more difficult to forget with the internet and social media in today's age. Even WW has a small tie to BvS with the photo too. I hope it works and it is exciting to see some of the lesser revered heroes get some screen time. I think there is a ton of potential for what they can do with just Flash, WW, and Aquaman without any crossover needed. As for the TV series, even though I don't really care for most of them, they seem to be popular so I don't really see those going anywhere. I wish we could get a Netflix dark and gritty Batman series though. Instead we get Titans which looks terrible lol. I think I watched the pilot episode of Supergirl and that was about it. I didn't really like it so haven't watched it since. Same thing with Legends. I have enjoyed the Flash for the most part and seasons 1 and 2 of Arrow, but I can understand if people don't like them. They are very cheesy and predictable so I get it. I am just confused with what is going with DC's direction in cinema. Maybe the solution is to use Flashpoint to reboot the entire series through an alternate timeline so they can recast Superman and Batman and, therefore, none of the previous films, except WW's actually happened. I don't know I feel pretty confused with the current direction of the DCEU. With Cavill and Affleck being thrown aside and the focus becoming on Supergirl did BvS and JL ever happen? Are we suppose to ignore those characters and films like they don't exist yet as well as SS so maybe WW was the real starting point of the EU? I thought the Shazam trailer was great, but Aquaman was too much CGI. However, I like Wan so I am hoping it is good. 8 would be stretch without taking some sort of short break so probably not. I think the longest was probably the Harry Potter books where I literally could not put them down. I certainly could read 8 hours in a day if I really enjoyed the book and had the time. Yes, definitely miss John Carpenter 1. MOS 2. Superman 1978 3. BvS* 4. Superman 2 5. Superman Returns 6. 3 and 4 are horrible and haven't seen the others *Not sure if this should even count since it is basically a Batman movie. This film came on the heels of the The Dark Knights Rises which was a series grounded in "realism" and was a large commercial success so there was a demand for a darker tone in the genre. I really enjoyed MOS, but it does have its flaws. For example, the latter half of the film is just an action CGI fest which got repetitive by the third act. I think people mostly do not like it because it strays from what you expect from a Superman film; fun, light-hearted, phone booths, and Lois Lane doing investigative journalism. To me it was more of a coming of age film for Superman which was different and I really enjoyed it. However, I can see how others did not because it is a flawed film. I do not think the time of its release had much to do with its shortcomings commercially or critically. Since when has the genre been filled with non-kid-friendly films? I'll watch the first episode and see how it is, but I am going in with some pretty low expectations. Cowtippers It's an interesting twist that's for sure. I like the direction they have taken of Rambo finally attempting to change, mend his family wounds, and move in a forward direction with his life. However, I hope it just doesn't fall in the cliche of "old war vet/mercenary puts past behind him, but is forced to do one last mission to save the ones he cares for story." I think Stallone is decent actor and an underappreciated writer so we'll see how it goes. I agree Molly Ephraim made that role, but I am willing to give the new actress a shot. She was OK in the debut, even though I definitely missed the old actress. We'll see how the rest of the season goes. I just don't understand why Ephraim didn't want to return to a popular series. Lol I never thought about that, but that is pretty funny! He was angry before, but now he must be in a perma-rage OK yeah you could count it then. Still, there aren't many standalone supervillain comic book movies. I definitely think you could make a great origin film on a comic book villain, if it's done the right way. Venom probably isn't the correct character to do that with since his origin is tied directly to Spiderman. I still want to go see it, even though it is getting panned by critics. That being said, I agree with the OP in that the film wouldn't be as interesting without the hero. We read comics and books and watch CB films to see the conflict between the hero and the villain because it is the most intriguing aspect. It's kind of like the show Gotham, which I like for the most part after accepting that they are just doing their own interpretation, in that whenever I watch an episode, I say to myself that this world and show would be so much better with Batman. I don't disagree entirely, but I think the sample size is very small. I can't think of any other standalone comic book supervillain movies. I guess maybe you could count Suicide Squad but that isn't really standalone. Movie still hasn't come out and it could be good. Critics aren't always right. Harry Potter John McClane Rocky Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez Lol i hear ya