howgamer's Replies

Meh..I'll rent it eventually like most MCU films. Yes, I think it was labelled darker because of all of the elements you listed. Catwoman was a sex symbol and there is quite a bit of sexual tension between her and Batman. The Penguin looks and acts grotesque in all of his scenes and attempts to kill a boatload of children. As you stated there was quite a bit of adult humor. Both films have grandiose films noir and horror elements, but I think Returns gets labeled as darker because of the sexual tension with Catwoman and violence illustrated by Penguin. I agree. I thought it was entertaining for the most part and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Nothing ground breaking or absolutely amazing, but certainly a lot better than TFA and TLJ in my opinion. I really enjoy the creativity of the different beings and worlds throughout the galaxy in these anthology films. The "twists" were predictable, but it was still overall an entertaining flick. I would have enjoyed a sequel too, but there most likely will not be one. Of course it should be Matt Damon This is exactly how I feel. I didn't hate season 1, but it was kind of a bore. Season 2 was a huge improvement on all the characters, especially Joy and Ward arcs', and I did enjoy Davos as a villain. I thought the Mary/Walker story was a little dragged out, but like you said, it's Alice Eve so lol... Overall I thought it was a really good season and I am excited for season 3. They were still looking for Orson Randall at the end so he probably has not got the book yet, just stole the pistols from the shipment. Agreed Couldn't agree more with this. Episode 8 saw everyone just go crazy and become so gullible. OK, I get one or two characters, but not everyone. The group burning the people in the church was probably the one that made the least sense to me. All of a sudden, oh it's OK to burn people alive since they didn't want to come with us. Any type of morality is just thrown out the window. It was predictable that Adrian raped Alex and then we have Gus who turns on crazy Shelley. After this episode, I don't think there were any characters left that I cared about and I was hoping the Mist just killed everyone. The writers definitely gave up in this one. It'ts too bad as I thought this show started out really good, but by the end, it deserved to get canned. I agree. I don't think there is any doubt that Count of Monte Cristo is an outstanding book and MOZ did borrow some elements from the novel as you have shown. Overall, I think that MOZ just had better direction and was a more fine tuned film for a blockbuster type of flick. Maybe it's because I knew how Count was going to end from the start that I felt like the payoff at the climax just kind of fell a little flat. In comparison, I didn't know the story being told in Zorro other than I knew Zorro would win in the end. Mostly I think it just comes down to better direction and as others have pointed out, MOZ is a great blend of story and action creating a really fun movie. It's too bad this wasn't carried over to the sequel. Haha that's true. Don't worry though, at the rate Disney is buying up everything they will probably own DC and all entertainment in a few years. While I thoroughly enjoyed both, I think I would give a slight nod to Zorro. I felt that Monte Cristo was a little bit anti-climatic while Zorro was a thrill ride. Plus casting the drop dead gorgeous Catherine Zeta Jones helped. Maybe it could work to his benefit. Would love to see a drunk, unstable, guilt ridden Batman (more than what we saw in BvS). I guess it depends on how his rehab goes and how long it takes. You're right, it is not needed as Rambo 4 left us with the character finally taking some steps to heal himself and attempt to move forward with his life. I like the idea of doing something a bit different or more story driven in V so hopefully it will be like that. At the same time, I'm sure they are going to kill him off in the end and I would prefer the more open-ended ending that we got in 4. That being said, I'll still go see it! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! Agree completely. Terrible flick that wasn't suspenseful or scary. Along with your points, why would the father keep a sex tape of an affair in a lock box in his closet? Is he looking for it to be found? Why did Emelie's husband/lover cause a major accident instead of just a fender bender? Additionally, why didn't he wear his seat belt? Seems pretty clear that he didn't as he was ejected from his car. I thought the children's acting was pretty good, but other than that just a bad film. He's alright for the roles he picks which are characters with no depth. Stick with what you can get right I guess lol. His career is still somewhat in its early stages though and there are lots of crappy actors/actresses that can make good movies with at best average acting. Maybe Aquaman will be his calling and be great....maybe... I think the villagers expected that Vaughn wouldn't kill his friend and therefore bloodthirsty Brian could kill both. I thought he would either have killed himself or Marcus rather than do nothing. In the end, it made sense that he killed Marcus as it went along with his character and the theme of immoral acts throughout the film. The only character with a shred of morality was Logan. Totally agree. I went in with really low expectations and knew nothing about the film other than the critics hated it, but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was good overall; like a solid 6. I felt it didn't need to be as violent as it was and some of the actions of the characters didn't make much sense, but just seemed to fit the story at the time which was annoying. However, the acting was good in my opinion and I thoroughly enjoyed the setting of the film. I thought the alternate universe of all these different races existing in a modern world captivating and interesting probably more so than the actual plot of the film lol. Just because Juno was a bad friend and Sara's husband was a dirtbag doesn't mean that Juno deserved to be killed in cold blood. Sure they are in this situation because of her, but who could have accounted for supernatural monsters in a cave? I hope in the alternate ending that Sara is charged with murder. Either that or a sequel, was left wide open. I dont really feel like it was good enough for either though. Spoilers Btw why were the humans dressed up as aliens/bugs Only reason I am going to see it lol