howgamer's Replies

5/10 Average film. Costumes were really cool though. I think as a kid or adult it is enjoyable, but I have always liked the first one a lot more. I thought the Super Shredder fight was super disappointing. I agree. I thought it had some really interesting concepts along with decent performances from the leads. Reminded me a lot of a Black Mirror episode so If you enjoy that and sci-fi check it out. *SPOILERS* I thought the twist at the end was a bit lame as he says he does all this because "we're together." So I guess that's my only real complaint is that the ending is just not creative and falls flat imo. lol braless scene was a nice bonus Agreed, very funny movie. Last time I watched AOTC, I fast forwarded through all the loves scenes and thought it was tons better Oh boy...maybe it will be worse lol I'm not familiar with the direction or concept that they using behind this, but I can't imagine this ends up being worse than the last film. I would have preferred Idris Elba, Chiwetel Ejofor, or Djimon Hounsou. Not a big fan of Foxx, but oh well, excited this is getting rebooted! I have to disagree. Spiderman 1 made a ton of money (I believe more than any other CBM at the time by a long shot) so it is significant that it is one of the early films that set the stage for the CBM trend. Its importance there shouldn't be overlooked. Additionally, it is one of the best comic book movie adaptations ever. Like its sequel, it was well received by critics and fans too. There is certainly an argument that it would be in the top 10. Spider-Man, Batman Begins, and Logan are my all-time favs. This is a good question. In the first episode they showed maybe some type of precipitation system. It is a shot of some water dripping into the plants so I thought, or maybe they have some type of system to create or purify water, but it's not really explained. I would think for any survivors that water, not food, would be the largest hurdle to survival unless the virus can be killed by boiling water. I am feeling the same way about the kids and the parents lol. I like to think that Sam told the police about him and they were able to send out a team and rescue him. I think it should have been explained though rather than left open ended. I would watch a sequel/reboot of this. Def not a great movie, but certainly watchable and entertaining just for how weird it was. I would be all for a sequel/reboot with some of the original cast returning. Hack the planet! For its time, when the internet was just becoming mainstream, it was a decent thriller. Plus the lady from the bus is nice. It was slightly above average in my opinion. I liked that it is its own movie, which was a nice change of pace, and the cultural aspects of it were the best part. They relied too much on CGI like most CMB's, but then again it is a CBM. I probably won't watch it again for a very long time. Amazing run at the box office though. Probably 2020 or 21 at this point. Aren't there a slew of DC movies coming out in 19 and 20? Lol this was pretty funny While I thought Inception was really good, The Matrix was far better in my opinion. Both films are well acted, but The Matrix had amazing camera work and action scenes for its time, coupled with a stellar concept and story. I would go as far as to say that The Matrix is iconic while Inception is not. In my opinion, the Matrix is one of the best sci-fi films ever made while Inception is a solid 8/10. She was into dark and mysterious men hence her pursuit of psychiatry as a profession. I guess I just assumed that there would be a season 2 since most series shoot for a sequel of some sort. I would be fine with a one and done season as everything was concluded. I agree with your points on Jenny and Sophie. Chris should have appeared much more intoxicated than he was to make it believable.