howgamer's Replies

It's up in the air because no sequel has been confirmed because it was a bust. I'm optimistic it will get one because it's a large franchise. Yeah I get that they had the whole arc of taking the suit, but they also gave it back to him. What I meant in downplaying his abilities is that it gave him a lot of spy tech like super hearing or vision. In Homecoming, I thought the suit acted like his spidey-sense so I originally thought they weren't going to give him any. However, after watching AIW, he clearly has spidey-sense. I guess I just don't like the idea that he didn't design it. I'm not sure if it will get one. It was a big bust at the box office. It was actually much better than I thought it was going to be, but the zord scenes stunk imo. However, I thought the characters were really well developed which was a surprise. I hope it gets a sequel, but I think it is up in the air right now. Hollywood loves sequels though so I am going to remain optimistic. It was fine for what it is imo. I didn't really like his regular tech suit that he got from Stark in Homecoming because I think it downplays the characters abilities. I didn't like that he depended on the suit for so much. I would have rather had that he had his own spidy suit, but for AIW Stark hooks him up with the Iron Spider suit for this film alone to battle Thanos. I guess they just wanted to do something different and it was alright. There is some cheesiness in it, but there was some in the original film as well which is why it's great. It plays so well on nostalgia while also ushering in the new kids without crapping on its original characters that it creates a great balance. I felt like i was in the 80's, but also in the present while watching. Disney should have hired these writers for the new Star Wars films. Johnny should have went for the leg sweep. I mean the guy was standing on one leg! Danielson should have lost, would have been all dramatic like Rocky lol There are parts of this movie that I love and parts that I hate. I think the Batman warehouse scene may be my favorite action sequence in a CBM ever. I think Doomsday may be the most wasted CBM character ever. Jesse Eisenberg's casting and portrayal of LL rivals Affleck's casting and portrayal of DD in terms of suckiness. For a completed project, it's a huge mess and disappointment. I think the MCU in particular started out showcasing different director's styles which was really neat and creative. As they progressed, they kind of got away from that and it started to feel like they were mashing everything together and not completing character arcs. However, some of the more recent ones like AIW and Thor 3(haven't seen BP yet) are really great CBMs. Most of the films are fun action comedies, which is what they are intended to be, but there are certainly some gems and a few that are just bad films. I'm not saying these are Oscar worthy, but some of these, artistically, are very well rounded movies. I can understand completely if someone doesn't like the genre, but films like Logan, Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier, GOTG, and AIW are really well directed and written movies with a lot of character detail and depth. Some of the other early superhero films like Raimi's Spiderman 1 and 2 and X-Men also fall into that category. Maybe it's just the tone that you don't like? I'm glad the days of Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Daredevil, omg Steel, Superman 3 and 4, Spawn, and Catwoman are gone. Although we did get Suicide Squad and another Fantastic Four movie.... You may want to actually check out the Daredevil and Jessica Jones series on Netflix or Arrow (seasons 1 and 2 only) on the CW. I think they are amazing, have a much more realistic tone, very well acted and written, actually provide much more character depth since they are series, and are not nearly as "flashy" as the films. That's sounds much more realistic than what is portrayed. However, maybe you just needed to join Cobra Kai to enter the tournaments of no mercy! In this series during the tournament, people get hit in the face by fist and foot many times and are awarded points. The crane kick is even used and it is legal so I'm not sure why Johnny made notion that it was illegal. As for what's legal in real life tournaments composed of adolescent kids, I have no idea, but I would guess that hitting someone in the face with fist or foot is probably illegal. Yes, it has a few cameos. That's really interesting that they could contribute that much additional. I am kind of glad that it has calmed down. For the last year or so I have stopped going to 3d showings. Just kind of tired of wearing the glasses, but I do love Imax. OMG I haven't thought of Clash of the Titans in forever lol, not a fan of that one. Maybe there will be another big trend when Avatar 2 comes out. I didn't say it wasn't impressive and I wasn't limiting it to the MCU. I was saying that the top 10 domestic box office has jumped around a lot in the last 10 years with the advent of 3d tech and billbrown is an advent fan of box offices numbers so I was looking for his perspective on it or if he has done any research on 3d sales. There are plenty of other non-MCU films that have broken the top 10 recently e.g. three Star Wars films. Titanic had such a huge lead on the next film for a long time and 500 mil domestic seemed almost impossible to get, but now in the last 10 years, we have multiple movies achieving it which I find interesting. AIW should break the top five all time domestic I imagine. Who cares about Justice League, what records did that film break? I only mentioned DC because I believe BvS had a record breaking opening weekend when it released and TDK is in the top 10. I think if Carey was the sole villain and they did some more character development for both him and Robin the film would have been much better. The film really should have revolved around Robin and developing his struggles and character. I think B/R was a different level of suck than Forever. I feel that B&R has many issues beyond saving. Since you love all things DC/Marvel and box office numbers, have you done any research on the increase of box office numbers since the advent of Avatar and 3d ticket price increases? It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between the recent (within the last 10 years) record breaking films and the advent of 3d films becoming popular and thus an increase in ticket admission price and overall box office results. For example, Titanic was number 1 domestic for 10 years or so far outpacing #2, but since Avatar broke its domestic record in 2009 the top 10 all time domestic has changed a lot. Is this due to an increase in ticket prices because 3d charges much more and thus increases in box office numbers? Yeah I don't have any argument there. The name is why people saw it. It was a very contrasting style to Returns and obviously not for the better. Although really if they would have kept a somewhat darker tone and done some better storytelling/character development the film could have been great. Haha now that I think about it, they probably would need to get rid of Tommy Lee Jones in this entirely to make it a good movie lol. History of film? Probably not. In the history of the MCU, yes. Was it predictable like a lot of the major plot points in the film? Yes. Even though predictable, do they all still work and create a great movie? Yes, which is actually pretty amazing. It was an alright movie then and it still is now. Definitely not great, but just OK and entertaining for what it is. It probably made money because it was Batman and the name alone can draw in cash, but as far as a film goes, it is a strange flashy film noir type of movie. Sounds accurate. I think a time jump is definitely needed for IX and we will will most likely get one as it will give the writers a chance to explain away things. I also think one of the problems with TLJ is that it takes place almost immediately after TFA.