howgamer's Replies

I agree, the first five were really good and it goes downhill from there. Overall I thought it was good, but the direction towards the latter episodes and ending were a bit of a disappointment. Certainly worth a watch and I would be interested in where a season 2 would go perhaps with a different family. Yes! We were in town and an adult across the street was standing beneath a tree in the mask staring at us! I laughed as it was great! We of course went over and he gave the kids candy. Well I believe they were friends throughout law school. Sometimes two people, who know each other on a personal level, can overlook the "initial" physical differences because, well, they know they have gotten to know that person's personality and traits. Obviously he is well versed in the law and a good person, she knows this, and he probably became more attractive to her over time. I just thought it was too similar to Zombie's other films. Sure the basic premise/story of Halloween is there, but really, it's just a carbon copy of Zombie's other early films; we have intense violence, a rape scene, and over-the-top trashy dialogue. I like that he gave Michael a story, but apart from that, he brought nothing new to the table in contrast to his other films. I wanted more deaths and more gore, but sadly we got House of 1000 Corpses 3. I can understand if people enjoyed the film, but to me it was just another run of the mill horror flick using the brand name Halloween. Cinema, over time, has drastically increased the number of shots in a film and shortened the average length of a shot. Try watching something from the 60's and compare it to today. I don't think older movies were slow paced, it is just a different style and technology has certainly helped with having more shots available to a filmmaker. Actually I wish modern films would buck the trend and start to slow down a bit. I feel like a lot of modern films are too fast paced to get their point across or leave room for dramatic impact. It's like cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut! I think I would just go back 30 years in my own life and try and not make the same stupid mistakes that I did the first time lol Golf Totally agree. Especially for just six episodes. I'm not sure if it's worth picking HBO back up for that. My anticipation has certainly died down. Well he does wear it the whole second season and in the Defenders so I don't think they have a problem showing it. In S1 they had a buildup to it. He didn't wear it in season 3 because of ideological reasons. I think in S3 he says in one episode "I've outgrown its purpose" or something of that sort. S4 he will probably return to it or maybe a new one. Also Bullseye wears the suit in S3 so I don't think there is any issue with showing it. Yes, it does go for a slower approach which there is nothing wrong with that. It just wasn't as good as I remember, but it is still a classic for the genre and one of the best for its time. I just remembered a much more suspenseful buildup, but probably too conditioned nowadays from more modern films. Lol I was thinking the same thing. I was like wow really? I get that it was a joke, but it is still a disturbing thing to say. I agree with your statements, but I'm still disappointed that it was cancelled on Netflix because I thought season 2 was well done. Could it have been better, sure. However, if it is renewed on Disney's service, it's not worth adding another streaming service. Now if JJ and DD get pulled over there, depending on the price, I would probably buy the service. I was going to say no, but with that title, sure why not. Could star Lebron and Channing Tatum. This always made me laugh when the plane was going down: "He's got the whole world in his hands" "Shut the *&*& up you freak, we're gonna die!" Ratings were declining, although I don't think it was that significant. This and the network wanted to clear up some space for some new shows according to google. I think it was too raunchy for some people. I thought it was pretty funny whenever I watched it. Looks like it. Luke Cage and Iron Fist both had really good 2nd seasons so they go ahead and cancel them just doesn't make sense. Maybe they did this just to get the series over to their new streaming service so it would have something to appeal to a more mature audience. I guess we can expect JJ an DD to follow. There was a note in that particular globe which is why I think it was silly that she gave that one away. I think he discovers it when he goes to put it back at their house. Yes, the globe was certainly the catalyst for his moment of lunacy because of what it represented. I thought the plot was poorly written and most of the action was boring and lacking any type of suspense. It has way too many characters in it which they try to cram everything in there and it becomes a mini Avenger movie instead of a CA film. The plot seems to make most of the characters out like idiots for not discovering Zemo. It also is extremely "convenient" that there is some random security camera that captures Bucky killing Stark's parents. As far as the action, there are some fun sequences, but I felt that the airport scene was OK nothing extravagant. It's like sure they are fighting, but they are not really going %100 and you know none of the characters are going to die. Additionally, there really isn't any great close-knit choreographed fight scenes like we see with Winter Soldier. I understand the vast majority of people really enjoyed this film. I just found it boring, disappointing, and nothing special, but hey that's just my opinion. Pretty excited about this. I think Cavill is a decent actor so he can probably pull it off. I am a big fan of both the books and games, but I think I will have the most trouble with adapting to his voice. I played the game first and then read the books so even when I was reading I was used to that distinct voice from the games. I think the other major castings are good too, from the looks of it, as I don't know anything they have been in. I just wish they would have ordered a few more episodes. 8 seems a bit short, but if it is successful they will probably have more for the next season. I have really high hopes! That's a good point. The fact that she gave him that particular globe didn't make any sense. On top of that, he didn't seem like the type of person who really had any interests in collecting globes. However, maybe she thought that oh my husband likes these so maybe he will too. But giving him that particular one, which held significance to her marriage, didn't make sense and was lazy writing.