MovieChat Forums > alx9 > Replies

alx9's Replies

Yeah you probably also believe in fairies and that Clinton did not have sex with that woman. I hope you get paid to be this stupid. But I think not, you probably act like a moron for free. Ok genius, you ever wonder why there is not legislation that aims to restrict participation of transboys in boys' sports? Any transboys trying out for football in your town? Male boxing? Male track? Did you know a top tier high school boys soccer team can beat a womens Olympic soccer team? Ever wonder genius, why Olympic sports, actually all sports are seperated by biological gender? Is this kind of trans activism stupid or evil? What's the difference? "I hope Crowe gets her" I guess you feel more deep empathy for homicidal maniacs, than a Mom going thru a divorce with a useless husband, while supporting a freeloading brother and his girlfriend while struggling to make ends meet. Yes, you are done. She agreed to have them call the cops with his license plate if he continued to follow her out of the gas station. Not quite as dangerous as texting and driving there is another malady called texting and watching a movie. Spoiler.............. Lol, yes amusingly he was actually polite before he went on a homicidal rampage, stabbing a woman, setting a person on fire, running another guy over and attempting to strangle a child. And you think the guy who just killed his family and set them on fire, ran over a stranger, would just let her and her kid do do that? Not to mention a bloody homicidal maniac running around might cause people to lock their doors. So? Statements like that only communicate how hard you are trying to prove you are an idiot. Ironically Greta while wrong on just about everything is right that people in power who claim climate change is an existential threat never do anything meaningful about it (other than play politics). The reason they never do anything about it is because they know it's bullshit. You are argumentative and a moron. The question is how do you live with yourself. Don't you notice the stench? LOL The first rule of fascism is to call everyone else fascist. Also the first rule of morons is to change rules thinking the rules will not eventually apply to them. Already forgot about the stacked supreme court dummy? Isn't the little girl dying of cancer proof he's not The Messiah? NO. If that was the case then all of the children who have died from cancer or in some other cruel way is proof there is no God. Yes they have the character perform the impossible and then clumsily throw in totally inadequate alternate explanations. The walking on water was a low point in the series, the waters could have been immediately examined for undergwater structures to verify the miracle or expose the trick but the script just moves on. Which Jesus do you prefer? A Democrat Jesus who looks like Hillary Clinton? We get it. Ignorance is a virtue to you. You have proved the ops point. If you ask the woke brigade the movie should have had elderly white middle class spanish Catholic nun police officers to more accurately and fairly depict terrorists.