JigsawDude's Replies

Not so much of a groan, I actually just said "Wow really?.. Okay cool." It was a cool shot but obviously we will get more Female characters and films in the future. For now, it was just a harmless cool scene to please the Women in the audience. Going back to the past and changing things in this movie creates alternate timelines so Peggy in the main timeline did move on and get married but Steve going back to be with her created an alternate timeline where she never did move on and perhaps other events were changed too (this really makes me want to see another Captain America movie set in the past to be honest). I think Old Steve is implied to have come back to the main timeline before Young Steve left through the Quantum Realm. Yes I believe it will be. I personally had no issues with Pepper being in the Rescue armour. She even used a repulser in Iron Man 3 so that was clearly forshadowed ahead of time. Plus, how many years has it been since Iron Man 3 (in the MCU continuity)? Like almost 10 years? So even though Pepper hasn't done much since that moment in Iron Man 3, anything could have happened off screen during all that time including her preparing to help Tony in his time of need. However, I did find the whole female team up thing to be a bit too on the nose (though in the context of the movie being an event and a culmination of 11 years of the MCU, I thought it was neat to see at least once). I know that most of the actresses DO want an all Female Avengers team (A-Force) but I just don't think it's needed. All of the Avenger films have a mixed team of Men and Women, not to mention that there are plenty of Female characters in the solo films even if they don't get their own movies so what would the purpose be to segregate the Men and Women and have their own teams? It's counter productive and comes across as pandering and kind of sexist. Perhaps it would be alright for the Women in the MCU to get more time to shine, their own films/storylines and so forth but to give them their own Avengers film just logically doesn't make sense unless all of the Men get like erased from history or something by Kang The Conquerer. I wouldn't say I was pissed that Falcon is going to be the new Cap but I am disappointed. Narratively, it really could have gone either way but Sam does make more sense because Bucky was missing for years, he murdered people even though it was against his will and I think just like Cap, he wants to probably retire and live a normal life seeing as (until the end of this movie anyway) they were both the same age and missed out on a lot of life due to being frozen. I think though that the people who called you racist for trying to have a conversation about this are actually the racist ones. Surely, if you aren't racist it would be easy to tell and they likely knew you weren't but they were too insecure with themselves that they just had to say it. Plus they probably feel good about themselves for virtue signalling and showing everyone how awesome they are for standing up for a fictional black character in a movie. Unfortunately, those are the kinds of people that for the most part, Marvel are going to try to pander to and appease going forward with the MCU and because of that, I'm not sure how many more of these movies I can continue to watch. I'll probably stick around for the next Spidey movie, the next Doctor Strange, Guardians/Thor movies, and hell, I'll even give Captain Marvel one more chance to have a good film and actual character development and growth but other than that, I'll just have to see how the newer/future characters solo films hold up and if they suck, I'm abandoning ship. If I'm being honest, it sounds to me like you kind of have a chip on your shoulder. Just because superheroes weren't considered a cool thing back in your day, doesn't mean it's not something that the majority of the population enjoy today. It's very common for things that were once considered uncool to become popular. It's happened all throughout history. It's perfectly fine if you don't enjoy films, characters or comics like this (I myself mainly just enjoy the films and haven't read much in the way of the comics). It's a valid opinion to have but it doesn't change the fact that for the most part, these films make money and they make money because people like them or are interested in seeing them. I'm sure that the interest from people will dwindle over time as most phases in life go but that doesn't mean that everyone that likes things that you don't is a loser or a beta male. True. Most fanbases are never happy in some cases but that said, The Last Jedi was trash so how can you blame the majority of fans for hating it and effectively causing Disney to change course going forward and perhaps retconning TLJ? Pretty much all of them. I wouldn't say they are bashing the movie. Just making fun of it and being nuanced about it, like they do with most of the movies they talk about. Mike said he recommended it. The culture war has been going on already for a number of years. It just keeps getting worse because people keep perpetuating it, mainly celebrities like Brie Larson. Incorrect. Implying that it is a "Bomb" means that it didn't break even (it needs $340 million to break even), which it already has so if we take into account it's current total which is $382 million and we can speculate that it will make at least another $50-$100 million over this weekend from people who haven't seen it, re-viewings and people seeing it to spite Captain Marvel, it will have roughly $430 million - $510 million. Add the fact that it's still not out of theatres yet and it just got an extra month in China so yeah, I'd say it has already broken even, will make a profit and a sequel is likely. Quit the childish insults, it just makes you look dumber. It's not a bomb. It has already made back it's money and then some. I agree with most of what you said Sokar. However, I think Brie did some more emotion than you're letting on and I enjoyed the film probably a bit more than you. You're 100% correct though that there is a political message in the film and sometimes it's subtle and other times it hits you over the head like the ending with "I'm Just a Girl" playing. I could have done without that but it's a good song non-the-less. I wouldn't say she is racist but she certainly has been indoctrinated long enough to have a bias against people of her own race and against the Male sex. Guess she didn't get the message in Captain Marvel. Hopefully, she sees the error of her ways soon. Respect +1 Regardless of if a film is made with White people, let alone White Males in mind or not isn't the point. A Wrinkle in Time flopped HARD so hardly anyone of any ethnicity or gender saw the film. That is why Bries comment about the film is so moronic. Films are made to make money. It doesn't matter who is starring in it or who the film is primarily made for. I could make a Blade movie where he is White instead of Black and if it makes no money and gets negative reviews, I can't just say "Well, the movie wasn't made for people of different races in mind so I don't want to hear from anyone with any form of criticism regarding my film, unless they are White.", that's just not how the industry works and that is a sure fire way to make yourself out to look like a bigot. Why is everyone that has a valid criticism somehow an Alt-Righter? People got upset over Bries moronic leftist comments while promoting the movie. Is it fair to judge the film based on that? No but it's not fair to label everyone that takes issue with her or the movie as Alt-Right. I didn't like what she said and I feel like she needs to take more caution in the future with her wording but I saw the film non-the-less and while there were some moments of anti-male exaggerations, the film didn't feature that kind of messaging throughout and I found the film to be enjoyable for the most part minus it feeling a bit inconsistent, Carol being rather one dimensional for most of the film (even after she finds out the truth about the Kree and Skrulls) and some of the ways the film subverts expectations for certain characters. 7/10. So, am I an Alt-Righter? The far left talk in the show got me to stop watching episode 1 halfway through. I've heard this continues throughout the series so I'm pretty wary about trying to finish it. I'll try to get around to it though. Satisfied for the most part. I only took issue with some of the pacing being a bit too fast, the unnecessary flashback scenes and the Doctor twist (which I didn't think was all that bad but just really weird and kind of pointless). I suppose the ending is a bit disappointing too because it leaves it open just enough for another sequel but that was to be expected. Hopefully one more movie comes out and thats it but I highly doubt it. But it was directed by someone who is racist/prejudice and full of hatred so it kind of ruins the whole movie.