parkerbot's Replies

Just for fun, tell us what you think 2 plus 2 equals. Who is Cametoe Harris married to? Well, after I shit my pants, I'd probably find high ground and a cave to live in. Rising obesity levels in full effect. Everyone woman on the Rookie seems to have a giant ass. Waiting for Fillion's Castle moobs to come back and stay back (they did make a brief appearance). If you haven't seen them already, you can check out Severance(ongoing) or Archive 81 (done). It's how you control dissidents if you're the top dog. Locking them up doesn't cut it. You either kill them or lobotomize them. People who likes to laugh. I'll take that over someone who says their favourite show is CSI this or that or whatever other show focuses on murder. Second that. After the government froze bank accounts of protestors it does not like, the blank page represents our Charter of Rights and Freedoms now - a blank page. We'll never know. But we do know Russia did not invade while he was president. And we do know that Biden refused Ukraine air support before the war started. Just starting "Storyteller: The Authorized Biography of Roald Dahl" by Donald Sturrock. Kinda makes me sad he did 'Way Out just to pay some medical bills. Sigh. Pushing a vaccine on healthy people. How's that? Replacing women from positions of power with fake women. How's that? Letting anyone with a two feet enter the country. How's that? Egging Russian on to war. How's that? Egging China on to war. How's that? Winnie the Pooh is the greatest philosopher on film. I'll take tweets like that any day over a war with Russia and China. So everything is fine? But he did brag about having sex with his wife for long periods. So there's that. Although a band that can put out this kind of song wins: I had a brush cut and my sweetie had long hair in the 90s. Your assumption is wrong. Makes you wonder where all the feminists went. Would be nice but the thought of getting blown up or imprisoned for some bogus charge, isn't appealing. Here's a video from a quick tour of the Great Pyramid from about a year ago: Maybe it's just me but it looks depressing and like some broke-ass version of a trip to Disneyland. It's unfair and takes away from women's sports. Anyone who says otherwise has probably never played any sports in their life and/or thinks cheating is okay. Create a trans league - problem solved. Problem is, no one would care to watch it, that's why they try to piggy back on established sports. I'm still rooting for it : P