parkerbot's Replies

That pun is a super predator. 10 out of 10. That bot is pissed! It's okay Tina, it's going to be okay. G for great. Thank you, I try. I was hoping for a negative test result from the STD clinic. I saw that first new episode of Doctor Who with Tennant and wow, talk about craptacular. I don't think his ranting is going to age as well as he thinks it will. I do and it had boobies in it. That explains a lot, I know. Hillary and Big Mike 2024. They can't lose. So Bill and George omitted the truth by lying? Your logic is Terrance Howard level. Why doesn't Jesus like M&Ms? <spoiler>They fall through his hands.</spoiler> I know, going to Hell, blah blah blah. I agree. It would be a great boost to the trans movement to have her as an option for president or vice president. When did politicians ever tell the truth? Jesus H. Christ people are pretending Trump is the only politician who ever lied. Hey Bill, you have sex with that woman? Hey George, you gonna raise taxes? Which old rich white guy is responsible for more black arrests in the last 40 years? I'll wait while you Google it. If you haven't already heard it, I recommend you check out his album As Time Goes By from 1999. You can hear the whole album on YouTube, here's the title track: Great album from start to finish. I read Slaughterhouse-Five and watched the movie, does that count? I watched Grumpy Old Men. No wait, I watched the debate. I got mixed up. I don't agree with Jesus. But but but but but but, he won't carry his own golf bag! Sorry, you kill children, you don't get to be believed. Everyone respects America. Anyone fact check that one?