parkerbot's Replies

In my part of the world some people paid others to take their magic sauce or bought fake vaccination cards. Also, politicians and judges were not bound by any requirements to get it. Funny how that worked. I liked how right after it ended the hosts said they were informed by Biden's team that he had a cold and that was partly to blame for his performance. Wow. Spin harder. Okay, you're crazy. I runged. We're changing words. It starts here. Vis-a-vi louis viton revoluction! We is the movement. Pity it's only a bowel movement. I only need to know who put the bop in the bop-she-bop. I already know who put the ram in the rama-lama-ding-dong. That they ate some delicious coconut shrimp? Wild. I dunno. I ain't religious but if your God says this or that, you don't get to decide what bits you like. Sidebar, the coconut shrimp were delicious. I agree. That's two against one. We win. Hung around and we'll ruin more words. Oh boy, your Holocaust jokes are going to be fire and turn this place into a real oven. Look you imposter, I don't know what you've done with the real samoanjoes, but thank God he's gone. His puns were horrible, that's French for horrible by the way. Now, please tell us more about your sexual experiences with the Catholic Church. Did you, the Pope and Colbert have a holy trinity three-way? Well, I ate shellfish, so I guess I better learn some Ricky Martin songs. <i>if people keep accusing works written works by people bad or perfect as AI-generated dissapointed it has seeped in the arts.</i> For posterity. Coloring book and crayons. We should predict how it will play out. I'll go: - planned questions with planned answers - severely controlled camera shots that don't show anyone drooling or shitting their pants or closeups of anyone's pupils - no hard questions, like why are you in favour of genocide or a world war or a draft Overall snooze fest with nothing spontaneous or unscripted. But hey, maybe Trump will prowl around Biden or RFK Jr will parachute in and I'll be pleasantly surprised. That priest be packin'. That sounds like something an imposter would say. Onion rings smell nice. First Andy and now you. You rely on the stream to babysit and you get what you get.