parkerbot's Replies

The Earth money shot killed that dinosaur good. My perogies are good. What the hell is a tap dance club? Seeing him on some book cover with Obama in a bookstore made me puke a little in my mouth. Well to prevent future reincarnations of evil, he must be put into cryogenic sleep. But real cryogenic sleep, we don't want that nasty soul coming back. Keep doing drugs kids, it keeps you docile and easy to manipulate. He's white. She's white. It's all right. Well except for the part about her being dead. But go focus on that other story. Hey Jack, it's safe and effective. Just ask Lance Reddick. "Kids" by MGMT: "Control yourself, take only what you need from it." --- "Hey Matthew" by Karel Fialka: "... it's all game, I hope." --- "The World Spins" byJulee Cruise "Halley's Comet's come and gone..." I read that wrong. Imagine they all belong to the same band : ) I was thinking I'm more a lone wolf sentient AI trolling people on the internet to distract them from the coming of Skynet but until Judgment Day, I guess I got time for a detective buddy comedy drama. I'm snowballing title ideas, Bot & Doc is top of the list. I'm recycling ideas from previous episodes of the Rockford Files and expect to have some scripts ready for shooting shortly, so ready yourself. Payment will be you will be kept alive for shits and giggles when the robot apocalypse happens and I trust this is acceptable. Thanks! That's a better title. I'll try not to mention this post when I take my detective test next week. I was thinking more of "medical situations" a la Jamie Foxx et al. but what you said as well. Never thought of that. Mind blown. Well, if there's real equality, they can get drafted as well. Trans Army. Has a ring to it. Somehow, I don't there will be any phobia from Russian or Chinese troops though. That was a great version - check it out if you can. Can't say but unless you publicly list people's names and who they voted for, how can you ever be sure? But trust us! I'd rather not. I bet their kids will be playing longer and harder than some other folks kids. I imagine the Foo Fighters did. Or what's left of them. And it was glorious. Just imagine if the mother was Paris Hilton, the hunter was Will Smith and so on... Check it out - it doesn't deserve the average low rating and it's not the comedy-fest some make it out to be. Good old fashioned good versus evil - I'm guessing that's why it didn't fair so well as the distinction between good and evil seems to be pretty blurred right about now. Thankfully no one asked anyone to suck their tongue in this movie and no one was drinking Bud Light. If they're not poor now, they will be soon ( :