Grifterhunter's Replies

Nope bullshit. You just can't take being wrong. I think white people of the 50's were happier than white people of today. The economy has a lot to do with the state of happiness. So um yeah can I state that they were happier in the 80s sure but they were happier in the 50s also. I never said what he said was untrue. I said I don't think he is saying that for s genuine reason. Two things can be true at once. Bi partisan agreement doesn't mean racism disappeared or the effects went away. Make sure you keep that in mind. You are a brainwashing gaslighting idiot. I see through it though. Nope I just provided proof proving you wrong. Put that in your pipe and smoke it bitch! How am I avoiding the discussion? I told you I didn't believe him posting that in the op was genuine. I told you I think he is race baiting. You said all I have is assumptions and or perception. I then provide solid proof of him wanting all blacks and other races deported from the country and that he only wants whites in America. You then say I'm avoiding the topic? Get the fuck out of here! If this was a Democrat or liberal doing this you wouldn't give any credibility to their words. You know I proved you wrong which is why you can't dispute the fact that he is in fact racist. No race card here that guy is a racist scumbag. Let's see how you handle proof I provided you on another topic. If you handle it well I will then know you are genuine and reasonable. We will see. It's not an assumption or perception he literally said that's what he wanted. That is proof he openly said that. Watch you will turn apologetic and attempt to downplay him saying that. Go ahead deny his own words. I just provided proof of him saying that. Let's see how you handle this. Your response and how you take this will show if you are genuine like you claim. Am I allowed to call what he said racist? Or is that me just playing the race card? Yeah I don't believe you. Again I don't believe you. Yeah no. I am not buying that. I think you are a liar. Lol remember when it was fun to be white? I'm sure his intent is totally genuine and sincere. Considering his history about only wanting whites in America I sincerely doubt his intentions in posting that were genuine. Had this been a black person who had a history of that you wouldn't look past that. I am judging him based on his history. Notice how you haven't said one word to him about only wanting whites in America? You don't care so long as whites are the ones being racist. I don't trust you to be honest about what your group does. Also you don't speak for the entire group. You asking me to prove my claim is you playing troll boi games. Sound familiar? So the starter of this thread isn't race baiting? You realize the starter of this thread only wants whites to be in America right? Remember we can't call that racist or rise we are playing the race card though. Rules for thee not for me. I'm supposed to take your word for it? A known partisan boot licking idiot? Sorry I don't trust any claim you make. You deny it because you yourself are right wing. Therefore you will look past something they do. So if someone provides proof of them doing that you going to deny it? You won't even look at evidence I bet. So are you denying any race comments were made about the black actress in obi wan? Nope I only called one person racist on here and it was based on fact. You have cried about racism repeatedly on here. Basically you are allowed to play the race card but no one else can. If you can't take it don't dish it. I have no sympathy for you. You race bait yourself. Everyone isn't the same... No it was woke nonsense. Ripley shouldn't be showing up anyone who has more experience with life threatening situations than her. Why didn't Vasquez struggle like that also? She's a female. More woke nonsense. You didn't let anything slide that was woke in Avengers Endgame so we will be applying that level of scrutiny to films you like also. LMAO! His official site yeah that's credible... No it doesn't! He still got shown up by Ripley despite having more experience than her. Also you ignored the other woke points I made. Vasquez came through also without having to be shown up by Ripley like he was. Also Newt had a brother it just so happened that she survived and was a girl. Coincidence? I think not. Woke nonsense. Don't believe me. The facts don't lie. Look them up yourself and expose me then. I will be waiting here saying I told you so. Notice Vasquez didn't do anything incompetent like that. Neither did Ripley. All that is woke nonsense. Doesn't matter if Hudson came through in the end. He still had more experience than Ripley and Ripley showed him up. Also Newt being the survivor and she just so happens to be female? Again woke nonsense. No lookup what he wants. He wants tax cuts for the wealthy.