Grifterhunter's Replies

Your denial is noted. So how many times have I beaten you now? I defeated you and proved you Aliens was woke, I proved the op was racist, I actually answered your questions and proved you wrong there. Let's debate the drug war and I will have no issue knocking your ass out on that issue also. You seem to think the 80s had no issue and that Reagan had no flaws. You realize things he said about other races right? My point stands. And no my intent was sincere. I don't give a shit if you believe it of not. The point stands, the economy was better back then. Nope I mentioned a sincere reason. You not liking my reason does not mean my reason wasn't sincere. Yeah he did. He said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and still have voters. That definitely applied to you. Correct because you want to stall the conversation. I answered the question. Move onto your point or concede. Nope that's what you have done by not moving forward. Nope I answered it. You didn't like my answer. Move onto your next pont I answered it already. You are the one stalling the conversation. Lol no it's a fact the economy was better back then. That point stands. Oh wow I'm not the only who thought he was race baiting? Wow go figure! Get wrecked you deceitful asshole. Nope. You asked a question and I answered it. Move on.. Nope the point stands the economy was better back in the 80s. I do for all races not just whites like you. The economy is a big part of the problem. You are full of shit. I have a solution and you ignored it. You are the one who doesn't support reparations. Improve the economy for everyone. You ignored that. Also and his solution isn't malicious? I want the drug war to stop and I want people to keep suffering? No that's your thing buddy. We are talking about Chani not Paul. No I do. I want all races to exist in harmony he does not. I listed my solution you ignored it. Also so you are saying a racist solution is better than none? Am I hearing you right? Easy to say when you aren't in the situation. Chani is young. Are young people sheets reasonable? You are saying that as a middle aged man. Yeah it strengthens the character in my book. It shows proof characters can be selfish or flawed. Dennis Villeneuve knows how to do films better then you do. As it stands it's a gigantic hit. It doesn't need your support the majority love it. You said he wants a solution! Yeah a racist one you braindead dipshit. So it's ok if it's in a fictional film then? Um she's in love with him! Characters on stories never can't see the greater good? They never can't see the big picture and act on emotion? Sounds like that's storytelling to me. The movie doesn't need to coincide 100% to the book. Liberations get taken and it was the same case with the Lord of the rings movies. You won't answer my question but want yours answered. What's his solution to making whites happy? Be honest now. See you are afraid to be honest about what his solution would be. That's because you know deep down it's a racist one. The left afraid of blended families? No it's the right who moans about interracial relationships. Wait the left bring afraid of affairs? I thought that was a good thing to be afraid of? I mean you are all about the family model right? Aren't affairs damaging to the family structure? I want all races to be happy not just one. So what's his solution genius? He said he wants all other races gone from America. I'd that the solution you agree with? Yeah we all know you wanted Chani to be a complete Damsel in distress. Oh and man look an interracial couple yuck! I am surprised you enjoyed it. Isn't that wokeness? Zendaya also must be there for political reasons right? Woke nonsense alert! No I am not. I just know his reasons are not genuine as I originally stated. He wants to fix the problem? Yeah that's why he wants all blacks or races other than whites gone from America. I proved he stated that. Yet you think he wants to fix the problem? Wow this is a new low even for you. Go fuck yourself.