ak47wong's Replies

He was strict. That doesn't mean he was abusive. There's no evidence that he was physically, verbally or emotionally abusive to his children, just that he had become fixated on discipline since his wife died. His children were clearly overjoyed to have their old dad back. I just hope they have Jujubes because they last longer. Hey puplover, since you're a 70s film fanatic maybe you can help me ID a movie I saw many years ago and never figured out what it was. It was (I think) a 70s NYC cop movie and I remember a detective questioning a man in a diner or bar and asking if he liked chicken noodle soup. Also there was a thing about a St Christopher's pendant or statue or something. Ring any bells? But there was a movie called Arachnophobia (which actually wasn't bad). Anyway, back to Vertigo, I thought the ending was perfect to the last frame. This looks pretty vapourised to me: https://mediacloud.theweek.com/image/private/s--Zyr2WG0t--/v1608484634/FKK78W.jpg As does this: https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/8aHAk88BgSaQxDbdq6eUyj.jpg It never seemed remotely possible to me that there could be an entire section of Death Star II still intact that you could actually walk around in, but of course diehard fans always come up with some nonsensical theory: https://screenrant.com/star-wars-rise-skywalker-death-star-wreckage-endor/ What about Jermajesty? Beware of the trolls. Her daughter's name is actually spelled as "Oonagh". https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzFr70hoQd/ She had the baby via surrogacy and the father hasn't been revealed. But yes, "Oonagh", lol. Ah I see what you mean now. The top entrance is of the Well of Souls is at the top of a small hill that you can see Indy climbing just before they start digging. There's a wide shot of the surrounding area when he's at the peak and judging by the height of the people in the background, Indy is maybe 8 metres above ground at this point? Then just before Indy topples the big statue, there's a wide shot of the entire vault and based on the height of the coffins in the corner, I'd guess the Well of Souls is itself about 8 metres in height. And that would mean it isn't underground and the floor of the Well of Souls is actually at ground level. They never actually said the Well of Souls is underground. Brody calls it a "secret chamber" and the map room shows it to be above ground, in the middle of what looks like a temple (not very secret). Great song, but I prefer the music video with clips from White Nights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIbw0OkC9po The movie is a real relic of the 80s, but something of a guilty pleasure. It's been 40 years and he's 73 now! He's way past his prime, but you can't fault him for effort. He put everything he had into that performance. There's no plot hole. The excavation was enormous, as Sallah says, so the Nazis aren't likely to notice one missing stone from a wall. They'd already taken the Ark and left Indy and Marion for dead so they weren't investigating anything. And Indy almost immediately goes to ambush the Flying Wing so the story had already moved on. Thanks, that was actually useful and interesting. I’m a bit sad that Charles won’t have all the peers dressed in robes and coronets though. That was what I was most looking forward to seeing all this time: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article29716883.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200d/0_Coronation-ScenejpgThe-Duke-of-Edinburgh-pays-homage-to-his-wife-the-newly-crowned-Queen-Elizabeth-II-during-her.jpg I’ve explained this to you before, but here it is again for your benefit: “back in the day” is perfectly correct English. For your reference, again: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/back-in-the-day It’s also listed in the Oxford Dictionary of English. Unless you’re going to argue that the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries espouse “ghettospeak”? Too young to remember this show? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Greatest_American_Hero She needs a big "中" symbol in the middle of her bodysuit: https://hips.hearstapps.com/digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/18/07/1518562868-hero1.jpg This seems to have been a problem on Netflix for a while: https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/hwhk8o/missing_end_text_from_schindlers_list/ E.T. the Extra-Transsexual Whatever it was, it needed a shave.