jobiwan58's Replies

Thanks, Stone. 61-male-Mesa, AZ BLACK SNAKE MOAN (2006) I liked this better than I expected and will probably watch again soon. Riveting performance by Christina Ricci and Samuel L. Jackson as a Bible-reading christian who isn't afraid to be real, dropping the going-to-church mask and showing his weaknesses and strengths. My Rating: 8/10. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1989) Still a great action film, my 2nd-Place in the series after Raiders of the Lost Ark. My Rating: 8/10. OUT FOR JUSTICE (1993) Steven Segal's best action film. My Rating: 8/10. CARNY (1980) A young Jodie Foster and an over-the-top Gary Busey make this very watchable. My Rating: 8/10. MUNICH (2005) The Mossad unleash vengeance after the 1972 Olympic Games massacre of the Israeli atheletes. My Rating: 9/10. NIGHT AT THE OPERA, A (1935) Still hilarious Marx Brothers antics. My Rating: 8/10. X-MEN 1.5 (2000) I had never heard of X-Men before they came out with this film series. For me, it was refreshing to see some new superheroes and villians after growing up with only Superman and Batman (and eventually Spiderman). My Rating: 7/10. SOUTH PACIFIC (1958) Wifely request that was available at our Pubic Library. Slow-moving and overlong. Better if they cut out about 3 songs. My Rating: 4/10. My ratings of what StoneKeeper watched: Easy Rider 7/10 I've been considering watching it since it's available on Amazon Prime Video at the moment, since I haven't seen it in a long time. I remember some good scenes in it. War of the Worlds 6/10 Could of been so much better without the Broken Family BS the Spielberg puts in. Take that out and I would rate it a 8/10. Coneheads Never seen it. Could maybe watch just to see Chris Farley in it, but it would be a stretch. Constantine Never seen it My ratings of what Allaby watched: El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) Never seen it Vendetta (1986) Sounds interesting. I've seen a similar one in Caged Heat, years ago. The Ghoul (2016) Never seen it Teen Spirit (2018) Never seen it Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) Never seen it Needful Things (1993) Saw the 4-Hour TV version years ago, seemed okay though not my cup of tea. The Dark Half (1993) Never seen it Tall in the Saddle (1944) Never seen it My week: EARTHQUAKE (1974) A bit slow in parts but some great action scenes. My Rating: 7/10. X-MEN: ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (2009) I've started re-watching my favorites from this series. This deserves to be rated higher than most people think. My Rating: 8/10. MR. MAJESTYK (1974) Charles Bronson everyman flick with great Ford F150 truck cross-country chase. My Rating: 7/10. REPULSION (1965) Early Roman Polanski directed film with a great performance by Catherine Deneuve, lovely and increasingly psychotic. My Rating: 7/10. TOMMY BOY (1995) I've watched it so many times, never get tired of seeing the great potential we lost when Chris Farley was taken away. Tommy's personal growth from beginning to end is so well portrayed. You can really see how some people considered Farley and Spader to possibly be a new Laurel & Hardy. Julie Warner is perfecty cast as the love interest. My Rating: 8/10. Thin Lizzy The Doobie Brothers Dave Matthews Band I agree. Also, Mad Max 2 is on Amazon Prime Video for free right now, so I got the chance to enjoy it for the first time in years. Still a great movie. I think that was the one, thanks. I'm not much of a Bond fan, to me they're basically the same movie, over and over again. My wife is much more a fan. But I do have a few I enjoy: With Sean Connery: Goldfinger With Roger Moore: Moonraker We watched one with Timothy Dalton that was pretty good, though the title escapes me. I guess you watch a whole lot of films, like I do. I could see losing a minor detail like that off a semi-recent film. Hope someone here can help you out. I saw it recently (library rental DVD) for the first time in years and thought it was a good 70s action movie. I've always enjoyed movies that have you cheering for the underdog. I wasn't challenging your percentage. It's just not why I'm on moviechat. And if people want to talk politics, those are probably good places to do it. I doubt you'll ever find me there. Sounds great to me! I couldn't help but think of this clip lol That's about how I rate movies. If this site was 90% politics, I couldn't stand to be here. I've found plenty of movie topics to talk about. Very well said and I whole-heartedly agree. Agreed! Doesn't sound familiar. It might be helpful to mention the title of the semi-recent film you saw it on. It's how they used to rate movies in the old printed TV Guide days. RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (1985) My zombie movie trend continued. Hadn't seen this one in quite a while and watched it while available. Some good scenes but a bit over the top for me. My Rating: 5.5/10. PHANTASM (1979) Talk about original ideas and even though I hadn't seen this horror flick in several years, when I saw it on the rack at my local public library I watched it one evening (alone of course, since it's definitely not my wife's type of movie). Still as unique and weird as ever, but a real fun watch. My Rating: 8/10. OPPOSITE DAY (2009) Defintely at the opposite end of the spectrum from the above two films but I've been wanting to see this for a long time, mostly to see how Pauly Shore handles a parenting role. He does well but the overall movie plot could have been done a lot better. The lead children's roles are cute though William Brent looks like he's been raked over the coals and spit out. Still free on Tubi at the moment. My Rating: 4.8/10. My ratings of what others watched last week (highlights, anyway): I haven't seen the films StoneKeeper and Mrmojo4700 mentioned. Allaby, I've seen The Last House on the Left (1972) and agree with your rating of 7/10. KvlhokVjequs I've seen Any Given Sunday but it's been quite a long time since I've watched it. Not into sports movies as much as I used to be. I've watched 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag 3 or 4 times and found it quite funny too. 7/10. Dances with Wolves I've watched several times, including the almost 4-hour version and agree it's a great movie, definitely 8/10. I also found Orphan (2009) to be quite frustrating because of the husband. Slimone, I agree The Fly (1958) is an excellent film. SAINT, THE (1997) with Val Kilmer and Elisabeth Shue. This is the second time I've watched it, enjoyable story line. Where will the Saint show up next? My Rating: 7.5/10. LAST KING OF SCOTLAND, THE (2006) Strong performance by Forrest Whitaker, portraying the life of Idi Amin while ruling Uganda after a military coup. My Rating: 7/10. WHOLE NINE YARDS, THE (2000) I'm on the verge of having watched it too often, because the story line is great and the chemistry between the actors enhances it even more. Great supporting part by Kevin Pollak as a menacing goofball mob boss. My Rating: 8.5/10. FARGO (1996) A comedy of errors leads to destruction by the ever-incompetent family man, well played by William H. Macy. Frances McDormand shines as the chief of police that follows the perpatrators Macy hires. My Rating: 8/10. SCHINDLER'S LIST (1993) A fight for survival during Nazi-controlled Europe during WW2 that we must never forget, lest history repeats itself. A request by my wife, one I've watched a few times before. My Rating: 8/10. EDGES OF THE LORD (2001) Haley Joel Osment gives a nice performance as a Jewish boy hiding out during WW2. Difficult to watch in parts as he endures the cruelty of other children from the village he's sent to. My Rating: 7/10. HANGED MAN, THE (1974) This is a new one for me, a western that wss the pilot for an unsold TV show. Supporting role for Will Geer. My Rating: 7/10. HAPPENING, THE (2008) A strange little movie plot (M. Night Shyamalan's specialty) but I've always enjoyed fresh ideas, probably since there's soooo many remakes out there. Mark Whalberg carries the plot well and Zooey Deschanel shines. My Rating: 7/10. LONESOME DOVE (1989) A great western mini-series, well worth watching if you have 6 hours to spare. My wife has requested it several times, too, so it's great to watch it together. My Rating: 8/10.