Hummusboy1's Replies

Barbarians are cool. I thought us whites likes our ancestors. Why are vikings good but barbarians bad? Yikes. I could actually see this happening. Mia Khalifa and some random YouTuber/Twitch Streamer/TikToker will make a cameo too. Wow, a comedy that’s ridiculous? That’s such an outrageous concept! Wrong I think what’s scary to know is that the story at Outpost 31 is essentially the same story that has happened anytime The Thing breaks out. One Thing sneaks in and begins slowly assimilating a few others, people eventually start to notice, and everyone kills themselves in the process of trying to kill The Thing. The Thing always gets away, though. Really terrifying thought, and it’s possible the aliens on the ship experienced the same thing. Anyone who unironically uses the word cuck as a serious insult is a huge beta snowflake. Have fun dealing with your testosterone deficiencies. I also never said BAT3 didnt suck or bomb. But I also don’t get offended by women in movies doing important things, unlike you. Y’all genuinely thought Melanie Trump was hot, when she looks like a post-op transgender cat shemale creature. Cry harder, snowflake Come And See (1985) is absolutely my number one. It is a terrifying film about the horrors of war, and it has one of the most disturbing endings ever conceived. For the topic, Eyes Wide Shut is a good choice. Gravity too. Such incel logic. “I can say the N word because black people say it too!” I honestly wouldn’t be angry with conservatives rioting. Rioting is expressing your right as an American. It would just be hilarious to see the trumpers who were all “too busy working to riot” start carrying pitchforks. I’ll laugh at all the conservatives who mocked liberals for rioting. They absolutely love throwing around terms like “snowflake” and “beta” when most conservatives are in fact more beta snowflakey than they realize. At least liberals know they are annoying. Conservatives will throw a huge fit and then act like they never did such a thing. Storming the white house when we don’t have our way? Prisoner of Azkaban has heavy themes discussing childhood development, the gap between being a kid and becoming an adult, socializing, understanding other people’s problems etc. No doubt these concepts would escape an incel like you. Haha it happens. I remember seeing Avatar in theaters in 2009 and being dead convinced that Giovanni Ribisi’s character casually dropped an F-bomb during one of his fast-talk rant scenes. Ive seen the movie many times since then and cant even locate where I would’ve heard the line at all. I also distinctly remember an F-bomb drop in Inception and there’s definitely no such thing. I know this is from 12 years ago, but this show always disturbed me WAY more than Courage The Cowardly Dog or Ren & Stimpy. You always hear these millennials saying how “terrifying” Courage was, yet nobody remembers how ugly or creepy Catdog was. Every character looks like a grotesque methed-up monster, and the soundtrack sounds like burping. Exactly. Is he not a genius? He is convincing single-digit IQ trumpers to accidently kill themselves, thus giving the left the upper hand. lol conservatives are such snowflakes. They see one minority in a movie and fweak out God does not support murder. Please reread the holy word. Just like george ffloyd; an innocent man