TheCatman's Replies

My guess is that we will have another Holocaust in a few generations and that will reset things back to a religious or traditional human culture. That's the way history goes over and over. There are always groups of rich people who spread chaos, exploitation, and perversion and they people get massively tired of them and start murdering. After, there's regret or the groups of people who got murdered just disappear from history and then the winners shape a conservative society until the corruption and perversion seeps in and starts the cycle over. On a completely different note, I am interested in Indian culture and according to them they had an advanced culture before what the West considered recorded history. It got consumed by war and then India became an extremely anti-violence to the point where many are vegetarian. All of that caused India to be a culture of inaction and it became extremely over populated with people eating a starvation diet and now it's largely stuck in a primitive status. I have noted that many people in the West have an animalistic fear of technology. The "dream" of many white people is to go camping and sleep on the ground. Whenever there's new technology there's massive stories that it will hurt your health, make you go crazy, etc. So, I wonder if we are in the cycle Indian was in during extremely ancient times where one day there will be a movement to destroy advancements thus sending life into something like 1800s tech levels. However, my main belief is that we will have another Holocaust that will play out with different groups of people and political movements. That will reset things to because a religious society or something like the 1950s. I work with kids and one kid showed me a youtube channel about squeezing slime. It's just nonstop videos of someone squeezing various types of slime in a bowl. I noticed that it have tens of millions of subscribers. So, whoever makes that channel is swimming in money. Meanwhile, I assume they aren't some media genius and are just making money almost by magic. So, is a person like that supposed to understand the business they are in? I doubt it and the same goes for most youtube people I have seen. I work with kids and one kid showed me a youtube channel about squeezing slime. It's just nonstop videos of someone squeezing various types of slime in a bowl. I noticed that it have tens of millions of subscribers. So, whoever makes that channel is swimming in money. Meanwhile, I assume they aren't some media genius and are just making money almost by magic. So, is a person like that supposed to understand the business they are in? I doubt it and the same goes for most youtube people I have seen. I don't watch youtube channels like he has because I don't need anyone to tell me my opinions, but I have seen his a couple of times. I'm skeptical that he knew he was taking Russian funds. I watch other channels where the host is just some average guy with an idea. For instance, there's Stealth Camping with Steve Wallis, which is amusing to me. He has sponsors and he's just a guy who used to live in a camper and is likely doing really well from his channel. If he had a bad sponsor, I doubt that he would know about it because he probably lacks the business knowledge to know it and is just happy for the money. I work in mental health and have some dreams about things I would do if I had the money. If Epstein invited me to the island to talk about a grant, I would go. I wouldn't have investigated his past of anything because I'd be excited. So, I'm skeptical that people like Pool completely knew who they were getting money from. I also enjoy RT News, Russian, because at times it's amusing, interesting, and provides insights I know are propagandaish about the US. Many of their news posts on Facebooks are very humorous and I enjoy them. A good covert operation is not going to be clearly one, so I'm not in the condemnation camp. I know that's a current interpretation but they show that they are in ships in the movie. Why would demons need to travel in ships and why would demons have issues with water? Holy water isn't "holy" to anyone but Catholics, and so that's rather stupid to conclude it would do something. Many other types of Christians don't believe in holy water. That's a pagan belief mixed in with Catholicism. Plus, Hindus, Shintos, Muslims, etc believe in demon type creatures and the solution isn't water. The aliens have no powers, except a venomous gas nozzle in their arms, and can't get into a house weather they are aliens or demons. It's the same illogical writing we saw in Trap, and his other films. In the last Unbreakable, Bruce gets killed in a I assume he can brush his teeth, take a shower, and drink fluids without losing all of his powers. With Signs you are creating your own story to make a typical M Knight crappy movie good. She was a good singer in the Trap film. Signs is one of the stupidest movies in history. Aliens travel here in massive space ships and they can't get into a house. They have no clothes or weapons but can achieve interstellar travel. They are an advanced civilization but are deadly allergic to water. They decide to land on Earth, which is covered with water and has a massive amount of water in the atmosphere. It would be like landing on a planet and trying to take it over when it has seas of acid and rains down from the sky. The aliens would have to be literally degenerated retards with some kind of automated ships that don't care about their welfare. How do you know that Twitter isn't an FBI/CIA "honeypot" which means it's a way to attract negative people and track them by IP address? For instance, the FBI has child porn sites and torrents that allow people to download them and when you do, the FBI is notified. I work in psychology and have had clients who did just that. A honeypot attacks bees and so law enforcement will offer something that attracts people, then they attempt to do something to those they attract. Musk said Twitter was run by the FBI before and he got rid of them...HOWEVER....what if that's part of the Honeypot scheme? Elon is jewish and I find it hard to believe that a person involved with that group is going to run a total free speech website. On top of that, his companies are massively government funded. I wouldn't post what I really thought about controversial topics on Twitter if you paid me. It was dull but had a good idea, much like many horror movies. I just watched Kevin Costner's movie, Horizon. That had no direct plot but was about different types of people in the West. However, the writing was so good that I didn't care about the plot. If horror movies like this had better writers they would be very good. There was a TV show on in the early 80s called Friday the 13th. It was about a guy with an antique shop and the team was trying to track down cursed items. The description of this film seemed to be similar so I was in as it's a creative idea. However, the story barely touched on that when show from 40 years ago did it better. I thought the character was stupid. He was supposed to be about living life to it's fullest for yuppies at the time. Meanwhile, his idea of a good time was juggling grenades... No thanks. This is the first time I noticed her. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. People complained it didn't have a lot of story but I saw the movie as being about all the different types of personalities in that setting. Abby played a woman who was very pretty and would use her looks to manipulate anyone to her advantage. Meanwhile, there were people who were good at murdering others and they would use that to their advantage, etc. That was the story for me. I'm watching in and it's good. If it was a TV show it would be better and I'd watch it. I like how it's a rich portrayal of different kinds of personalities, which makes it good writing. Whoever the writer was, they did an excellent job with characters. On a totally juvenile note, Abbey Lee is very pretty, lol. I'm not one to find celebs attractive, but geez! I would, but I end up thinking about Jaime Presley. It's not the "Mandela Effect" if just the fact that media is see by people as being fact, when it's not. If someone changes something in a movie, etc then it's see as being "impossible" to people who aren't smart. That's because they think everything is set in stone, but it's not. One ridiculous issue is people saying Fruit of the Loom clothing didn't have a "cornucopia" with fruit coming out of it as a logo. It did and everyone who was alive knows it. Meanwhile the company changed their logo, so people started acting like the past never happened. On the internet, it's said the company denies ever having a cornucopia. However, since people are dumb they take what they read as being fact. Meanwhile, there are many pictures of the logo on clothes, a musician named his album after it, and so on. However, people are still going with the "Mandela Effect" instead of realizing that it's just people not knowing what they are talking about on the internet. There are also lots of lines from movies that people misremembered, misheard, and all of that is part of the Mandela Effect, which is just nonsense. It's part of a totally ridiculous idea that the CERN science project split our universe off into some parallel one. I have a freakish memory. I saw the film opening weekend and she had braces and they animated a metallic gleam when she smiled. The audience burst out laughing. As others mentioned, that was a huge joke because Jaws was instantly cured by the love of finding a girl like him. If you do an internet search, there's a German commercial that features the same scene with the braces. What they did was put together and edit that left out that scene. I saw Albert Brookes in Broadcast News when that came out. There was a hilarious scene where his dream to anchor the news finally came true. While he was on TV he started sweating insanely and that was done with hoses in his clothes. I thought it was hilarious as did the audience. When the movie came out on VHS I thought my parents would find it funny and would love that scene. However, if was not on the VHS version and in that he only had mild realistic sweats. Something like that was done with the Bond movie. Ron was an example of narcissism. Win or lose, you have to take it honorably and he did not. Meanwhile, Robocop was an honorable man who was a cop, got tortured to death by some narcissists, got turned into a programmed robot robbed of humanity, and he still managed to deal with it with honor. That's what the movie was basically about. It's not shit, just boring. It fails to capture the drama of being murdered and coming back to life as a kind of horror superhero. The first one did that, and that's just an idea, so no need to copy the first, but it still should be in there. The lead actor was insanely dull faced throughout the movie which is puzzling. All other characters were equally dull. I'm watching it and not paying. I'm glad I didn't. I watched the first one opening night and it was a great movie, and the whole audience cried at the end. I'm an hour in and it is boring. I don't get why he doesn't look like The Crow character... There's all of this supernatural stuff going on an criminals but no one has personality. I have worked with criminals my whole life and the first movie had all of these weirdos in it that are fairly accurate when it comes to druggie criminal degenerates. The actor who plays the main bad guys plays the same rich snide type in every film and as soon as I saw him I knew he'd do it again. Meanwhile, the Crow looks like some average guy not a weird supernatural superhero, which is what the character is. Also, none of the bad guys have characters that I find detestable, as in the first one. It's like they made a Batman movie where he's not in a costume and everyone is fairly average. The Crow takes place in a weird crime filled world where magic is real, and I'm not getting that here, at all. In addition, the Crow actor doesn't show much emotional and so the scenes with his girlfriend don't sell his passion for revenge very well. The scenes with the Arab guy explaining to him that he has these powers is also lame. They should have had him become the The Crow, like in the comics, and then figure things out as he goes along, so it's a mystery to him and the viewer. BUT..Bogart and Bacall were a real couple, so the art reflected reality.