MrAnonymous's Replies

I've never understood that. In that life you eventually reach the point where you already have enough convictions that if you get one more he judge is going to throw away the key, and the authorities are determined to bring you down. I cant fathom how these guys don't see that day coming and have a little retirement package in place so they can quit when they need to. Killing an unarmed civilian, holding a gun to the head of a little girl, and killing one of his own go far beyond hardened. He was evil. Yeah, I always wondered how the two surviving drug dealers from that raid didn't put the word out that Bodhi's new friend was FBI. They had to have recognized him from the fight at the beach. I don't fully get that. Sure if he killed him out of rage when he didn't have to that would be bad, but Jedi have killed when it was necessary. Removing a man who is a severe threat to the entire galaxy, should be seen as legitimate No, but this really shows the kind of people that are attracted to this lifestyle. From what I remember of the movie (I saw it a long time ago), while Violet was not happy in her relationship, Ceaser had never really wronged her in any way, yet she was willing to betray him in a way that would get him killed, so she was no saint. Just despicable people all around. Between the directing and the acting they did a great job of humanizing these guys and I'll give them that. Objectively though, I feel no sympathy. The execution of that poor guard at the beginning showed these guys to be animals who had no problem killing innocent human beings simply because they felt entitled to the finer things in life without having to work for them. Despicable villain. The robbery at the beginning says it all. First, ramming that armored car could have easily killed or seriously injured one of those poor guards. Then the shape charge seriously damaging their hearing. And when the bank robbery went wrong, he ordered the execution of that last guard who was just some poor guy who took a thankless job to support his family. And why was he willing to do this to innocent people? Because he felt entitled to the rich life without having to get up every day and work hard (like the poor guards he killed). I'm pretty sure that the wife and kids of those guards would not feel conflicted about calling him what he was. This is not a criticism of the movie at all, because I also felt sad when he died. The director and the actor really did it well so that they humanized him and could make people like me feel some sense of tragedy when he blows his chance to retire with Eadie and gets himself killed. This is what is great about this movie. I'm just saying that if one steps back and looks at it objectively he is not someone who deserves sympathy. No, he was responsible for her sons death and he knew it. His guilt made him stand there and take her wrath. Because the buck stopped with him. He was the chief, he was responsible for their safety. He let himself be pressured to go along with the 'preferred" version of what happened and ignored what his gut told him he should do. Mrs. Kintner had every right to hold him responsible and he was correct to take it from her. Sure he did redeem himself by going out and killing the shark, but make no mistake Alex Kintners death was on him. No worries, I wasn't offended at all Golfaddict666. Not griping there sport, just asking a question. Did not mean to trigger you at all. Enjoy your day. No, I don't have a death wish. In fact I would have tried to avoid him as much as possible due to his reputation. There are certain people I make a point of never rubbing shoulders with. I hear you, but surely the name John Rambo must ring a bell to anyone who was alive at the time. In the Rambo universe, if the parents were alive at the time they would remember the news 35 years ago talking about a former green beret savaging a bunch of deputies. It would just take one person in the town to recognize the name. I mostly agree with this. Clubber had a legitimate grievance. Many dangerous up and coming boxers do find it hard to get a break because top ranked fighters have managers who find ways to pass them over. Were boxing a little less corrupt, Rocky probably would have been forced to defend against clubber a long time ago, but instead Clubber has to live like a poor man, beating everybody while living in Rocky's shadow wondering if he will ever get a fight. I can fully understand him showing up at the statue ceremony and calling Rocky out. It looks rude, but if that's the only way to get the media to put pressure on Rocky to fight him then he had to do what he had to do. He has his future to consider and deserved a shot. My only issues with Clubber are the way he spoke to Adrian and the way he treated Apollo in the first fight. "In any case, even if you excuse his shooting of a medic, he still doesn't come across as an honorable soldier to the audience, due to him saying anything to save his own skin, and not being sincere about it. In other words, he came across as a cowardly weasel." I have never been in combat so this is just my opinion, but I think many of us in his situation would act the same way. He had just been through a brutal firefight, seen two friends die violently right beside him, and when he gets captured they start brutalizing him and make him dig his own grave. I can't help but feel that would be so terrifying I might say anything to not be executed. It depends. If I had somewhere else to go and could get my money back on short notice I might. If not I would go, and just sit on the beach drinking beer and watching the other people go earn darwin awards. Besides there were several dozen people standing around when Hooper was having his argument with the fishermen about the bite radius of the shark they caught, so there would be a good chance that people around town would be talking about how the marine biologist had been claiming this was not the shark. "blinded by their own integrity" I love this expression! I've been guilty of this and paid a heavy price for it! Rushing at a much larger, mentally unstable person who is in the process of loading a firearm would not be my first thought. He should have been using his force powers for gambling and sports betting I think that is what makes this show exciting. I never know which curveball they will throw next.