MrAnonymous's Replies

In some jobs where there are few openings and people work really hard to get there, people in charge wield an awful lot of power. If she had fired any of them, or if any of them had told her off and quit, they would not just have lost the job, but any future in that industry. If you have worked scraped and struggled for years to get a big break, and the person above you can ruin that and any chance of you ever getting another break then that person has tremendous power over you. There are some careers where with a snap of the fingers someone can ruin all the work you have put into your career over the past 10-15 years without any recourse and they know it and they know that the you know it. I've worked for people like that, and they enjoy the power they have over peoples future careers, and the the fear and humiliation they can inflict while knowing the person has too much to lose by even showing the slightest hint of defiance. More specifically why did his uncle give him the fireworks and encourage him to go do that. Imagine being the uncle and trying to explain that to Marty's mom. I can imagine that being a very awkward conversation for the uncle. When someone orders a pizza........WITH PINEAPPLE ON IT!!!!!! The scene made me think how dumb some of these guys are. If a guy shoots you in the foot over a drink order, why would you think telling him to go f#@$ himself could end any way but bad. What's more pathetic is that after being shot in the foot Spider had such a low self opinion that he went back to work for them. A sad pathetic life. I always wondered why he didn't try harder to de-escalate the situation. Bellowing insults at a clearly unstable man who is pointing a rifle at your chest seems like a bad plan. Agreed. In fairness I've never been to war so I'm just speculating, but I don't see how anything would have been gained by him trying to be John Wayne at that point. Good point, and he made the scene have a rape like vibe to it as the girl seemed nervous, and he was hurting her. I recall her whimpering 'easy' at least once and then 'stop' and crying out while he kept going. I'd say the prostitute. Just the thought of how that must have felt when the blade entered such a sensitive part of her body is unthinkable, and death would not happen quickly, but rather slowly and torturously as the knife went in and out, again and again. Her screams would be chilling. And one can only imagine the anticipation, when she saw him coming towards her with that thing and knew where it was going to go. She was not the sinner. The knife would have been more appropriately used on the john. And how does a real man "tear her up right" ? I’m not sure hot is how I would describe it. When I first saw it I was much younger so Ryder did seem hot looking, but now that I am older I can see the legitimate concerns about the age difference. Anyway, what I recall from when I was younger and looking at her as a girl my age was that it seemed a bit like even without the drowning or the age gap her first time was not exactly something most girls would want. I don’t recall a great deal of foreplay happening (ie getting her ready, aroused, lubricated and loosened up). What I recall was that as soon as he appeared to get her panties off and have access he penetrated. This in itself tends not to be a good way to deflower a virgin, but furthermore, instead of maintaining communication and easing in very slowly, checking if she was OK, he just seemed to thrust the whole thing in rather urgently. I doubt he was intentionally trying to be rough, but she was a virgin which meant that she would be tight and there would most likely be a hymen in the way. Furthermore even after the initial penetration, he started thrusting right away instead of stopping to first ensure she was ok. This is why I took her initial reaction to the penetration as one of pain (although some have argued that she cried out in ecstasy but I interpreted it differently) after which she seemed to be trying to relax as she was still in some discomfort. So even if one were to ignore the glaring ethical implications of the age difference, he was clumsily inconsiderate and her first time was needlessly unpleasant due to a lack of gentleness on his part. I'm no historian so I cannot comment on the accuracy of her character but I felt she was convincing despite her physical size. They didn't try to make her into some sort of invincible "xena warrior princess" kind of nonsense. They showed her as a violently angry woman with a lot of training and motivation, yet they acknowledged that she still had a female body as evidenced with her fight with the general. She was doing great when she kept her distance but once she got in close he head butted her to the ground showing she did have limitations. Even in her final battle it seemed that the protagonist backed off from her until she was in a small enclosed area where his strength could dominate in the long run. I found her convincing. Judy was more irritating than anything else. that said, her death scene made me cringe. Well said. Having never been there myself I'm very careful not to judge the actions of other people under that stress and terror Damn! ShieCake is on to us! He has discovered our best secret! I don't know what to say because I've never been at war. All I can assume is that these guys were there on the ground and they were in the best position to make a decision based on their training, their experience and their humanity without time to consult the internet. Having never been in that situation I'll refrain from playing Monday morning quarterback and trust that they made the best decision with the available information at the time and without the benefit of hindsight. I've never been in combat so I honestly don't know how to answer that question or what the right decision would be. I certainly don't envy the dilemma they faced. Diona, Her rape was brutal as was her subsequent treatment as a sex toy. It seemed marginally happy when she escaped so I was shocked to see her on the sands being executed after having been caught. What seemed worse to me than her death was the thought of what had likely happened to her in the hours between her capture and her execution. It stands to reason that guards would be more than willing to take liberties with a pretty girl if they knew she was going to die anyway. It was almost a relief when the sword ended her life. Discretion is the better part of valour. If he's willing to put a bullet through your foot over a mistake with a drink order then what will he do if you mouth off to him in front of his associates. Spider did not think that one through to it's inevitable conclusion. then of course Spider did not seem like a particularly bright person. He should have seen that slinging drinks at card games was as high as he was ever going to go in the mob, and that he would be treated with nothing but contempt. Even a minimum wage job at a gas station had to be better than that. Despite being shot through the foot, for some unfathomable reason he decided to go back. Let's just call this Darwin's Law. It was rape. Anyone could see she was incapable of giving consent. He took advantage of that. Rape. Whoever created this moviechat sight did a great job, so who cares. We can talk about any movie here