MovieChat Forums > 10200 > Replies

10200's Replies

Agree, it is fascinating. I would have to wear a corset and 10 pounds of clothing - even in the summer. No I haven't and frankly that is one of the reasons I still work and keep putting off retirement. 5. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 1. Sicario 2015 3. Young Guns II 1990 4, Terminator Dark Fate Who was the first American? I only began to follow the race when Dallas Seavey started taking his teams to Norway 2 years ago. I think the finish line for your race is great - bleachers and all. So did you buy it???? Let us know how it was. I don't drink a lot of Cabs - I like Old Vine Zins and enjoy Gnarly Head for around $10 - $12. Have you ever tried that? We have wine with dinner almost every night so I try a lot of wines that are $10 and under. Some are surprisingly good. I save the more expensive stuff for parties or special occasions. I don't think I've ever paid more than $30 for a bottle of wine but I did go to a sales meeting once where one of the guys ordered a $300 bottle of something. It was the worst tasting stuff I ever had. LOL - I'm 69 and I care - my favorite franchise has been reduced to a political statement. Like tequila! Lucky you. I would love to see the Aurora. The shortage of lifeboats really wasn't a cost cutting measure. The builders thought extra life boats would spoil the lines of the ship and block the views from the public decks. Titanic followed the established requirements for lifeboats, which was not simply enough boats for every person - all ships used the same formula. Egotistical - yes - Smith wanted to break the record for an Atlantic crossing and stayed farther north to accomplish that. No I don't and I'm a Christian. I don't buy into organized religion, especially the Catholic Church. I can believe in God, try to live a good life, and worship without going to a building. I've never found a group I truly relate to and most very religious people make me uncomfortable to be around. My family was dedicated to our church and my uncle was a minister. I gave up on going to church about 25 years ago - the minister was heavily involved in the anti pornography movement and that is all we heard from the pulpit every week. It was more about him and his crusade than God. Stocking up on non perishable food items Buying extra gallons of H2O Making sure my guns are loaded and ready to fire Most importantly - getting a mani pedi in case I'm quarantined. I agree. I know one or two women who feel that way, but IMHO it's because life hasn't turned out for them the way they expected. Most of my friends are happy women - I don't think most feminists are happy for one reason or another. I would NEVER want to be a celebrity for whatever the reason. If my face could be easily recognized and it would be a PITA to go go out in public there is no way I would want that to be a part of my life. And I do agree with you that some people become celebrities for the most god-awful reasons. tell us what it is........ By older, I mean 60 years of age or more. LOL - I'm 69 so I guess I do. But I really don't care to be around "old" people - and that could be someone in their 50's. Physical age is one thing, but mental age is something else entirely and people can have a young attitude forever while others start being old fogies at an early point in their lives. I will be forever young - at least mentally. I'm active and drive a 2 seater sports car - the Little Old Lady from Passadena. I frequently watch that when I go to bed. That sounds just like my husband - he loves to go to the grocery and chit chat with the employees and customers. That drives me nuts, so we rarely go to the market together. Just like when we fly - I like the aisle seat, which means he sits in the middle and he always strikes up a conversation with the person next to him - he enjoys it and I would rather poke my eye out. Personally I don't see being on the internet any different than reading a newspaper or a book - it's either educational or entertainment.